rohit-pardasani / DeblurCNN

Convolutional Neural Network to deblur the images. A 20 layer DnCNN trained to remove blur introduced by averaging filter.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Convolutional Neural Network to deblur the images. A 20 layer DnCNN trained to remove blur introduced by averaging filter.

Architecture of DnCNN used

Convolution Layer - 1 (3 x 3 kernel) (Input Channels = 3) (Output Channels = 64)
Activation (ReLU)
Convolution Layer - 2 (3 x 3 kernel) (Input Channels = 64) (Output Channels = 64)
Batch Normalization
Activation (ReLU)
Convolution Layer - 3 (3 x 3 kernel) (Input Channels = 64) (Output Channels = 64)
Batch Normalization
Activation (ReLU)
Convolution Layer - 4 (3 x 3 kernel) (Input Channels = 64) (Output Channels = 64)
Batch Normalization
Activation (ReLU)
Convolution Layer - 20 (3 x 3 kernel) (Input Channels = 64) (Output Channels = 3)

Some Results

Original Image Blurred Image (Input to DeblurCNN) Deblurred Image (Output of DeblurCNN)


Convolutional Neural Network to deblur the images. A 20 layer DnCNN trained to remove blur introduced by averaging filter.


Language:Python 89.0%Language:MATLAB 11.0%