rohit-ambre / express-react-lerna

React (typescript) and express boilerplate application bootstrapped with lerna.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Express React Boilerplate

It is a Boilerplate starter kit for Javascript application with Express in backend and React (Typescript) in frontend bootstrapped with lerna.

front-end and back-end both uses ESlint for JavaScript common syntax errors and Prettier for code styling issues and automatically reformats your code to ensure consistent rules are being followed.

Getting Started ⚡

  1. install lerna globally -> npm install -g lerna
  2. Clone the repo -> git clone
  3. Install dependencies -> lerna bootstrap
  4. Create .env file in client package -> cp .env.example .env // (sets react PORT=5000 and SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true and CI=true CRA issue)
  5. Start the app -> npm run start

There you go 🎉

Available scripts 📄

npm run start

Runs both frontend and backend packages in development mode.

npm run lint

Runs lint command in both server and client package.

npm run lint:fix

Runs lint fix command in both server and client package.

License ✅

The MIT License


React (typescript) and express boilerplate application bootstrapped with lerna.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 47.3%Language:JavaScript 31.5%Language:HTML 11.8%Language:CSS 7.2%Language:Pug 1.9%Language:Shell 0.3%