rohanvakharia / l5-localization

Simple Localization Middleware for Laravel 5

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple Localization Middleware for Laravel 5 to make dynamic prefixed route names to the same controller actions.


  • Seo friendly url generation:,,,
  • Session stored Localization data.
  • Locale prefix Route names
  • Lang file stored Route url with model name
  • Route Cache

Facade Alias : Locale


Step 1: Add to stack

// App\Http\Kernel.php
protected $stack = [

Step 2: Use routes.php file

// App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php
public function map( Router $router ) {
    require app_path( 'Http/routes.php' ); // uncomment

Step 3: Add the ServiceProvider

// config/app.php
'providers' => [
    'Sheepy85\L5Localization\L5LocalizationServiceProvider' ,
] ,

Step 4: Use file generator

> php artisan locale:select en es fr

to get the full list of Localization short codes use -l or --list


Example files in project folder.

Locale::locales() looking for config/locale.php, set optional parameter to true for raw url generation Locale::router() return Laravel Router instance and only accept [get, post, put, delete, patch] methods

Generate route:cache for all of your languages

1 arg: If your routes lang file don't contain the route name, use as raw Uri 2 arg: Route name 3 arg: Action 4 arg: Localization short code

// routes.php
foreach ( Locale::codes( true ) as $code ) {
// or 
//foreach ( Locale::locales( true ) as $code => $locale ) {
   Route::group( [
	   'namespace' => '\App\Http\Controllers' ,
	   'prefix' => $code , 
	   ] , function() use( $code ) {

	  Locale::router()->get( '/' , 'home' , 'HomeController@index' , $code );
	  Locale::router()->get( '' , 'news' , 'HomeController@news' , $code );
	  Locale::router()->post( 'login' , 'login' , 'AuthController@login' , $code );
   } );


GET|HEAD /              | home     | App\Http\Controllers\HomeController@index
GET|HEAD news           | news     | App\Http\Controllers\HomeController@news
POST login              | login    | App\Http\Controllers\AuthController@login
GET|HEAD en             | en.home  | App\Http\Controllers\HomeController@index
GET|HEAD en/news        |  | App\Http\Controllers\HomeController@news
POST en/login           | en.login | App\Http\Controllers\AuthController@login
GET|HEAD hu             | hu.home  | App\Http\Controllers\HomeController@index
GET|HEAD hu/hirek       |  | App\Http\Controllers\HomeController@news
POST hu/belepes         | hu.login | App\Http\Controllers\AuthController@login

make Url

with helper to the session current locale:

{{ lroute('news') }}

or laravel's helper, notice need to comment out the original function in Illuminate\Foundation\helpers.php file

{{ route('news') }}

Api Locale::

  • has() Determine localization status
  • get() Get current localization
  • set( $locale ) Set current localization
  • flush() Unset Session variable
  • exist( $locale ) Determine localization adjustable
  • notExist( $locale ) Determine localization not adjustable
  • fallback() Set fallback localization
  • locale() Get current localization
  • name() Get current localization english name
  • native() Get current localization native name
  • script() Get current localization code script
  • direction() Get current localization read direction
  • locales( $withNull = false ) Get available localizations, optional empty first row
  • codes( $withNull = false ) Get available localization short codes, optional empty first row


Simple Localization Middleware for Laravel 5

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%