rohansharma06 / Hospital-API

Basic API to keep track and generate reports of patients in Covid-19 time.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An API for the doctors of a Hospital which has been allocated by the government for testing and quarantine + well being of COVID-19 patients applied with unit testings.

URL : http://localhost:8000/api/{routes}

Basic Funcionality

  • Register Doctor => (using: Username and Password).
  • Login Doctor using passport-jwt-Strategy which returns a jwt-token.
  • Jwt-Tokento will be used to access(authorize) protected routes.
  • After logging-in the doctor can do various things such as :
    1. Register patient => (using: Name and Phone No)
    2. Generate a report of patient
    3. View all reports of a particular patient
    4. Display reports by particular status [Negative, Travelled-Quarantine, Symptoms-Quarantine, Positive-Admit].
  • Generation of report(protecte by jwt) : A doctor has to enter enter the status for a particular patient and can generate the report according to it.
  • View all reports of a patient(protected by jwt) : Only doctor can view reports of a patient.
  • View all the reports of particular status(protected by jwt) : Only doctor can view the reports.


  1. /doctors/register → with username and password.
  2. /doctors/login → returns the JWT to be used.
  3. /patients/register → with mobile No and name..
  4. /patients/:id/create_report.
  5. /patients/:id/all_reports → List all the reports of a patient oldest to latest
  6. /reports/:status → List all the reports of all the patients filtered by a specific status

Folder Structure


├── config
    ├── mongoose.js
    ├── passport-local-strategy.js
├── controllers
    ├── api
        ├── doctor_api_controller.js
        ├── patient_api_controller.js
        ├── report_api_controller.js
├── models
    ├── doctor.js
    ├── patient.js
    ├── report.js
├── routes
    ├── api
        ├── index.js
        ├── doctors.js
        ├── patients.js
        ├── reports.js
    ├── index.js
├── test
    ├── patientAllReportTest.js
    ├── patientRegisterTest.js
    ├── patientReportReportTest.js
├── index.js
├── package.json
├── .gitignore


  • Used mocha as a server and chai for assertion library.
  1. testing for /patients/register
  2. testing for /patients/:id/create_report
  3. testing for /patients/:id/all_reports

Pass all the required field and bearer token and test for all different test cases possible.



Getting Started

  1. Clone the project.

  2. Go to folder.

  3. Run following command:

    npm install bcrypt
    npm install express
    npm install jsonwebtoken
    npm install mongoose
    npm install passport
    npm install passport-jwt
    npm install morgan
    npm install chai-http
    npm install mocha
    npm install chai
  4. Run command: npm start .

  5. Open Postman and follow the routes.

  6. Use jwt as header (Authorization: Bearer jwtToken).

  7. Pass require params in form body.

  8. Run command: npm test for unit-tesing .

  9. Happy Learning.


Basic API to keep track and generate reports of patients in Covid-19 time.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%