rohannaidu / the-wizz

A clustering redshift estimation code for us folks. For information on the method see Schmidt et al. 2013, Menard et al. 2013, and Rahman et al. 2015, 2016b

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



the-wizz is a clustering redshift estimating tool designed with ease of use for end users in mind. Simply put, the-wizz allows for clustering redshift estimates for any photometric, unknown sample in a survey by storing all close pairs between the unknown sample and a target, reference sample into a data file. Users then query this data file with their specific selection and produce a clusting redshift. For further details on the method see Schmidt et al. 2013, Menard et al 2013, Rahman et al. 2015(ab), and Morrison et al 2016.

The software is composed of two main parts: a pair finder and a pdf maker. does the initial heavy lifting of spatial pair finding and stores the indices of all closer pairs around the reference objects in an output HDF5 data file. Users then query this data file using and the indices of their unknown sample, producing an output clustering-z.

CITING the-wizz

Papers utilizing the-wizz should provide a link back to this repository. It is also requested that users cite Morrison et al. 2016. The other cites mentioned at the start of this README are highly recommended as citations as well.


The library is designed with as little reliance on nonstandard libraries as possible. It is recommended if using the-wizz that you utilize the Anaconda ( distribution of . requirements:

astropy (
h5py (
numpy (
scipy ( requirements:

(as above)
astro-stomp (


the-wizz is available as a docker image for easy deployment. This image can be deployed with the following docker command

docker pull morriscb/the-wizz

Tutorials using the docker image of the-wizz will be available soon.

the-wizz can also be installed from git using the command

git clone <dir_name>

Running or from the created directory will properly run the code.


Demos for installing and configuring astro-stomp, creating masks, running, and running to create a clustering-z estimate can be found on the wiki page

These demos use public data from the COSMOS and zCOSMOS surveys to guide users through the process of running the-wizz in full.


The format of the-wizz's data file has changed as of 4/12/17. Data files made with the code before this will not work with the current code and must be converted. should always come with two files, a fits file containing all of the photometric, unknown galaxies masked to the area of the refrence and unknown sample overlaps and the HDF5 data file containing all of the close pairs between the unknown and reference sample. Users should select their galaxy sample (e.g. galaxies of a certain color, properites, photometric redshift) from the fits catalog and match the IDs into the HDF5 file using

For mulit-epoch surveys spanning multiple pointings, large area surveys, or combining different surveys it is recommended to set the uknown_stomp_region_name flag to the appropriate column name. Having this flag not set for such surveys will likely result in unexpected results.

Higher signal to noise is achieved with the flag use_inverse_weighting set. Setting this mode is recommended.

Care should be taken that the correct index column is being used. It should be the same as that stored in the pair HDF5 file.

This portion of the code is for experts only. The majority of end users will only use

This part of the code should be used by surveys interested in using the-wizz as their redshift clustering-z code. This portion of the code creates the HDF5 data file of all close pairs that is used in It is recommeneded that surveys use their full, photometric catalog masked to the same area as the reference catalog used.

The code uses the spatial pixelization library STOMP for all of it's pair finding. Those unfamiliar with this libary are recommened to have a look at the source code header files at

To use pair finder, one much first create a file describing the usmasked area of the survey, in STOMP this is called a Map. Two utility functions are available to create these Maps, and takes in a fits image descripbing the mask and creates an aproximation of the unmasked area. should be used when no fits mask or weight map exists. It attempts to intuit the mask from an input catalog of objects. Descriptions of how to use the code are contained in the respective files. It is possible to use STOMP to create a mask from complex polygons (e.g. ds9 regions, mangle) using code available in the library. Look to the STOMP::Map and STOMP::Geometry classes for more information. allows one to mask an input fits catalog to the geomety of a STOMP Map. It is an extremely useful program as it allows for the creation of a catalog with the same geometry as that used in A catalog produced from allows the end user to select their sample from a catalog that has the same geometry as used in the pair finder and thus all of the average densities will correct. It also allows the ablity to store the same regionation as used in the pair finder enabling the use of the "unknown_stomp_region_name" flag in This flag is extremely import for inhomengious surveys.

The number of regions is an extremely important choice when running the-wizz. The number of regions requested should be a compromise between smoothing the scale of individual pointings/systematics and allowing for the largest physical scale requested. For instance if you have 1 sq deg. pointings, you'll want to try to have the regions you request be at most 1 sq deg to smooth pointing to pointing variations from survey stragegy/data quality variation.

Using unquie indices for the target, reference objects can allow one to combine the data files produced after the fact, enabling simple paralization for the pair creation process. Make sure to sum together the total number of randoms through.

For large unknown catalogs where large is not that large (>100k) it is sufficient to create at most 10 times the number of randoms.


Q: Why the-wizz? A: the-wizz is designed to take the hard work (i.e. pair finding) and separate it from the science (clustering redshift estimation) allowing end users to simply select from a photometric, unknown catalog and match indices into the code and procude high significance clustering redshift estimates without the need to re-run a pair finding/correlation technique every time. the-wizz can be thought of as creating a value added catalog for your survey much like a photometric redshift code.

Q: I'd like to use the-wizz for my survey, how do I credit you? A: There is a helpful section just above here about citing the-wizz.

Q: I'm having trouble using STOMP, why don't you use [insert favorite correlation code]. A: STOMP has a ton of convince functions that make this code possible and is wrapped to make it even more convienent. If you would like to use a library other than STOMP in the code that can be done assuming that the majority of the functionality is retained. Feel free to contact the maintainers if you run into problems creatinging inherited methods/modifying the code.

Q: My install of 2.7 is not working with the-wizz, can you fix it? A: The recommended install of is Anaconda ( while I would like to be comptable with everyone's different installs I can not guarentee full compadiblity. If you run into an issue with the-wizz please add it to the GitHub issue tracker and I will attempt to address it.

Q: My clustering-z doesn't look right, it either has an incorrect normalization or just looks weird. A: Make sure that the photometric, unknown catalog is masked to the same geometry as was used to create the HDF5 data file using For multi-epoch surveys, usage of the flag "unknown_stomp_region_name" in should be considered a default mode.

Q: Does your software account for galaxy bias in the clustering-z. A: No. The clustering-zs produced by the-wizz contain no correction for either the bias of the unknown sample or the reference sample. Users will have their preference on which method of bias mitigation is "correct" and are encouraged to use which ever method suits their needs. the-wizz will can be used easily enough with redshift, color pre-selections as in Rahman et al. 2016(ab).

Q: You call the outputs "PDFs" but they are not normalized to one and sometimes have negative values, what gives? A: Clustering-zs return an estimate of the over-density as a function of redshift that is then normalized into a PDF. Because it is an estimate that is measured from data, noise can cause points in the clustering-z to be negative but consistent with zero. There are also some unknown galaxy selections that can anti-correlate with the reference sample at given redshifts. This problem could be solved with an appropreate weighting scheme on the reference catalog. The PDFs returned by the-wizz are unomalized because everyone has their favorite technique to do this (e.g. spline integral, trapzoid sum, rectangular sum). The choice is left to the user.




A clustering redshift estimation code for us folks. For information on the method see Schmidt et al. 2013, Menard et al. 2013, and Rahman et al. 2015, 2016b



Language:Python 100.0%