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Benchmark results for FHE Matrix Multiplication using the TenSEAL FHE library

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Benchmark results for FHE Matrix Multiplication using the TenSEAL FHE library


The following tables present timing results for Encrypted Matrix Multiplication (A \times B) using the TenSEAL Fully-Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) library. The results represent a first order analysis of the timing complexity considering Key Generation, Matrix Encryption, Matrix Multiplication, and Matrix Decryption. Two FHE algorithms assessed are: the Brakerski/Fan-Vercauteren (BFV, 2012); and the Cheon/Kim/Kim/Song (CKKS, 2017).

The results represent the median of 10 executions of the same functions for exactly the same matrix values on a AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT 8-Core Processor with 128GB of RAM running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Cheon/Kim/Kim/Song (CKKS, 2017)

It considers values distributed in the interval [-1, 1].

Square Matrix Size Poly Degree Key Generation Matrix Encryption Matrix Multiplication Matrix Decryption Total
2 4096 0.0373685 0.00558531 0.00353527 0.000678956 0.047348
4 4096 0.0415051 0.00971408 0.0108032 0.00253088 0.065991
6 4096 0.0384495 0.0151066 0.0321764 0.00567592 0.0976619
8 4096 0.0378664 0.0249162 0.0531681 0.00990422 0.126971
10 4096 0.037962 0.0432207 0.109004 0.0154365 0.207592
12 4096 0.0390311 0.0509846 0.169315 0.02288 0.282631
14 4096 0.0390451 0.0726871 0.283288 0.0310608 0.427466
16 4096 0.0381212 0.08773 0.399686 0.0403261 0.565632
18 4096 0.0386489 0.105945 0.58683 0.0505936 0.782588
20 4096 0.0379708 0.126649 0.77721 0.0619784 1.00465
2 8192 0.351809 0.018675 0.0229037 0.0052375 0.399295
4 8192 0.314432 0.0265851 0.0611404 0.0202107 0.425485
6 8192 0.313806 0.0599225 0.182204 0.0451886 0.603148
8 8192 0.315484 0.0785349 0.361297 0.0809502 0.840385
10 8192 0.315917 0.13319 0.713796 0.125733 1.2869
12 8192 0.325244 0.160896 1.1832 0.188304 1.85589
14 8192 0.325775 0.232407 1.91734 0.255411 2.72282
16 8192 0.325226 0.2642 2.80793 0.334424 3.72532
18 8192 0.32283 0.329212 3.99955 0.42196 5.08879
20 8192 0.320731 0.397718 5.38735 0.518657 6.62535
2 16384 3.30117 0.0765723 0.153542 0.0343709 3.56885
4 16384 3.26297 0.104264 0.384418 0.137865 3.88944
6 16384 3.33185 0.251622 1.28806 0.314782 5.20725
8 16384 3.77817 0.339053 2.86381 0.643181 7.59356
10 16384 3.36282 0.535207 5.63527 1.01315 10.5234
12 16384 3.58629 0.723618 9.44421 1.4474 15.1965
14 16384 3.30264 0.990225 15.0997 1.95204 21.3634
16 16384 3.3449 1.24563 22.3121 2.57096 29.4396
18 16384 3.37075 1.5931 31.9139 3.28238 40.16
20 16384 3.40239 1.92663 43.2923 3.98654 52.6965
2 32768 22.2062 0.237622 0.498116 0.205471 23.1674
4 32768 22.2687 0.358636 1.91777 0.630358 25.1722
6 32768 22.5224 0.770142 6.3481 1.93495 31.5635
8 32768 21.944 1.21687 15.7835 3.47359 42.2752
10 32768 22.5665 1.89781 29.8854 5.45901 59.8807
12 32768 22.7846 2.63184 55.1396 7.89782 88.5128
14 32768 22.7331 3.64222 84.8491 10.7527 121.482
16 32768 22.5677 4.59591 131.853 13.785 172.652
18 32768 22.2236 5.84971 183.95 17.6166 229.475
20 32768 22.7574 7.21072 259.041 21.538 310.432

Brakerski/Fan-Vercauteren (BFV, 2012)

For values encoded in a 8-bits words, i.e., [-128, 127].

Square Matrix Size Poly Degree Key Generation Matrix Encryption Matrix Multiplication Matrix Decryption Total
2 4096 0.0377995 0.0079144 0.0119991 0.001757 0.059412
4 4096 0.0385401 0.0310754 0.04857 0.0101067 0.128903
6 4096 0.0388934 0.0711818 0.116208 0.0141443 0.240435
8 4096 0.0381538 0.125155 0.224531 0.0247384 0.411264
10 4096 0.0392515 0.202174 0.428509 0.0396459 0.70993
12 4096 0.038788 0.289526 0.699746 0.0572524 1.08411
14 4096 0.0393694 0.395334 1.15041 0.0777138 1.66316
16 4096 0.0380453 0.498316 1.63302 0.0991596 2.26808
18 4096 0.039335 0.648478 2.3776 0.12829 3.1923
20 4096 0.0386491 0.787167 3.16908 0.156403 4.14982
2 8192 0.31991 0.0245685 0.0622934 0.00594231 0.416783
4 8192 0.323777 0.100165 0.148528 0.0239333 0.596174
6 8192 0.325106 0.227095 0.535228 0.0537211 1.13977
8 8192 0.320736 0.398389 1.08796 0.0944704 1.90198
10 8192 0.327888 0.635885 2.19645 0.15062 3.30938
12 8192 0.317587 0.885985 3.60398 0.210393 5.01883
14 8192 0.325236 1.23842 5.87361 0.295459 7.72569
16 8192 0.323558 1.60148 8.53057 0.382403 10.8397
18 8192 0.324627 2.04541 12.3053 0.486117 15.1466
20 8192 0.321264 2.48859 16.6187 0.59123 20.0204
2 16384 3.34215 0.106466 0.299036 0.0276478 3.78774
4 16384 3.34082 0.572084 0.962007 0.11198 4.99987
6 16384 3.64353 1.26835 3.30309 0.247418 8.32709
8 16384 3.65239 1.95942 7.4746 0.435587 13.4169
10 16384 3.35543 3.56769 14.4802 0.692605 22.1931
12 16384 3.33258 5.11146 25.168 0.992516 34.4741
14 16384 3.30843 7.03182 39.4612 1.35115 51.1695
16 16384 3.50898 8.47907 59.7193 1.76845 73.6794
18 16384 3.35361 11.5886 84.2869 2.22871 101.457
20 16384 3.3764 14.309 116.513 2.77341 137.316
2 32768 19.5607 0.461412 1.09035 0.0958294 21.1562
4 32768 22.6645 2.05374 7.07852 0.390171 31.9644
6 32768 21.5771 3.58952 17.5453 0.85866 43.6383
8 32768 21.5342 6.75882 54.9134 1.52116 83.9918
10 32768 22.5634 12.4821 94.0993 2.43751 130.537
12 32768 22.5477 17.7262 185.33 3.49048 227.191
14 32768 22.9315 24.19 272.474 4.72813 322.338
16 32768 23.1699 30.9058 438.097 6.172 497.845
18 32768 23.2238 35.8982 595.899 7.80789 662.042
20 32768 23.0588 49.6902 851.113 9.5594 933.631


Benchmark results for FHE Matrix Multiplication using the TenSEAL FHE library