rofrol / elm-mpv-webui a web based user interface with controls for the mpv mediaplayer.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

elm-mpv-webui a web based user interface with controls for the mpv mediaplayer.

Written in elm, elm-ui and lua.



Install elm then run:

$ git clone
$ elm make webui-page/src/Main.elm --output webui-page/webui.js


Tested on Ubuntu 19.10.

$ sudo apt install lua5.2 lua5.2-dev luarocks
$ sudo luarocks install luasocket

Install in mpv

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/mpv/scripts
$ cd ~/.config/mpv/scripts
$ ln -s elm-mpv-webui/webui.lua .
$ ln -s elm-mpv-webui/webui-page/ .

Alternatively you can also use the --script option from mpv or add something like scripts-add=/path/to/elm-mpv-webui/webui.lua to mpv.conf.

find all video files in directory and play them with mpv

Use mpvdir script from this repo:

mpvdir /path/to/sth <mpv options>

Web browser

You can access the webui when accessing or http://[::1]:8888 in your webbrowser.

By default it listens on and [::0]:8888. As described below, this can be changed.


Options can be set with --script-opts with the prefix webui-.

port (int)

Set the port to serve the webui (default: 8888). Setting this allows for running multiple instances on different ports.



ipv4 (bool)

Enable listening on ipv4 (default: yes)



ipv6 (bool)

Enable listening on ipv6 (default: yes)



disable (bool)

Disable webui (default: no)



logging (bool)

Log requests to STDOUT (default: no)



audio-devices (string)

Set the audio-devices used for cycling. By default it uses all interfaces MPV knows of.

You can see a list of them with following command:

mpv --audio-device=help


webui-audio-devices="pulse/alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo pulse/alsa_output.pci-0000_00_03.0.hdmi-stereo"


There is a very simple implementation of Basic Authentication. It will be enabled, if a file .htpasswd exists in the same directory as webui.lua. The file needs to contain data in the following format:


Only plaintext .htpasswd entries are supported.


webui screenshot

playlist screenshot


You can also directly talk to the endpoints:

URI Method Parameter Description
/api/status GET Returns JSON data about playing media --> see below
/api/play POST Play media
/api/pause POST Pause media
/api/toggle_pause POST Toggle play/pause
/api/fullscreen POST Toggle fullscreen
/api/seek/:seconds POST int or float (can be negative) Seek
/api/set_position/:seconds POST Go to position :seconds
/api/playlist_prev POST Go to previous media in playlist
/api/playlist_next POST Go to next media in playlist
/api/playlist_jump/:pos POST int Jump to playlist item at position :pos
/api/add_chapter/:amount POST int (can be negative) Jump :amount chapters in current media
/api/add_volume/:percent POST int or float (can be negative) Add :percent% volume
/api/set_volume/:percent POST int or float Set volume to :percent%
/api/add_sub_delay/:ms POST int or float (can be negative) Add :ms milliseconds subtitles delay
/api/set_sub_delay/:ms POST int or float (can be negative) Set subtitles delay to :ms milliseconds
/api/add_audio_delay/:ms POST int or float (can be negative) Add :ms miliseconds audio delay
/api/set_audio_delay/:ms POST int or float (can be negative) Set audio delay to :ms milliseconds
/api/cycle_sub POST Cycle trough available subtitles
/api/cycle_audio POST Cycle trough available audio tracks
/api/cycle_audio_device POST Cycle trough audio devices. More information.

All POST endpoints return a JSON message. If successful: {"message": "success"}, otherwise, the message will contain information about the error.


metadata contains all the metadata mpv can see, below is just an example:

    "filename": "big_buck_bunny_1080p_stereo.ogg",
    "duration": 596,      # <-- seconds
    "position": 122,      # <-- seconds
    "pause": true,
    "remaining": 474,     # <-- seconds
    "sub-delay": 0,       # <-- milliseconds
    "audio-delay": 0,     # <-- milliseconds
    "fullscreen": false,
    "metadata": {},       # <-- All metadata available to MPV
    "track-list": [       # <-- All available video, audio and sub tracks
            "id": 1,
            "type": "video",
            "src-id": 0,
            "albumart": false,
            "default": false,
            "forced": false,
            "external": false,
            "selected": true,
            "ff-index": 0,
            "decoder-desc": "theora (Theora)",
            "codec": "theora",
            "demux-w": 1920,
            "demux-h": 1080
            "id": 1,
            "type": "audio",
            "src-id": 0,
            "audio-channels": 2,
            "albumart": false,
            "default": false,
            "forced": false,
            "external": false,
            "selected": true,
            "ff-index": 1,
            "decoder-desc": "vorbis (Vorbis)",
            "codec": "vorbis",
            "demux-channel-count": 2,
            "demux-channels": "stereo",
            "demux-samplerate": 48000
    "volume": 64,
    "volume-max": 130,
    "playlist": [         # <-- All files in the current playlist
            "filename": "Videos/big_buck_bunny_1080p_stereo.ogg",
            "current": true,
            "playing": true


Thanks to open-dynaMIX and makedin for their work on this.

Differences to mpv-web-ui

  • More media controls
  • Playlist controls
  • Some styles and font-awesome
  • ipv6 support
  • Option to set the port being used (defaults to 8888)
  • Using the Media Session API


These are my first steps with lua, so I'm just happy it works.

About a web based user interface with controls for the mpv mediaplayer.



Language:Elm 69.2%Language:Lua 27.1%Language:HTML 3.1%Language:Shell 0.7%