rodrigolinsr / resolvers

Resolvers (originally from figured/resolvers)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The inverse of a transformer.

  • Immutable
  • Type Safe
  • Unexpected input is ignored
  • Lazily evaluated
  • Recursive / Nested
  • Not aware of Laravel / Eloquent
  • Collection agnostic
  • Supports dot-notation


composer require figured/resolvers


/* Example resolver implementation */
class UserResolver extends Resolver implements UserInterface
    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->get("id", Type::INTEGER | Type::NULL);
    public function getName(): string
        return $this->get("name", Type::STRING);
    public function getOrganisation(): OrganisationInterface
        return $this->hasOne("org", OrganisationResolver::class);
    /** @return FarmInterface[] */
    public function getFarms(): array
        return $this->hasMany("farms", FarmResolver::class);

/* Create a new user from input, such as a request. */
$user = new UserResolver([
    "id" => 1,
    "name" => "Ann Perkins",
    "org" => [
    "farms" => [

/* This should then become a common pattern. */
$user = UserResolver::resolve([/* data */]);

/* Do something with the user's farms. */
foreach ($user->getFarms() as $farm) {

/* Example of a price resolved as a decimal */
class SaleResolver implements SaleInterface
    public function getPrice(): Decimal
        return new Decimal($this->get("price", Type::STRING | Type::INTEGER), 16);

/* Example of a price resolved as a date */
class SaleResolver
    public function getSaleDate(): Carbon
        return new Carbon($this->get("sale_date", Type::STRING));

The problem we are trying to solve...

We are trying to map an array (such as POST data, or test data) to a domain entity interface.

For example, turn:

$cropping->name          = $croppingData['name'];
$cropping->crop_type_id  = $croppingData['crop_type'];
$cropping->opening       = $croppingData['opening'] ?? 0;
$cropping->opening_stock = $croppingData['opening_stock'] ?? 0;
$cropping->opening_value = $croppingData['opening_value'] ?? 0;
$cropping->scenario_id   = $this->scenario->id;


$cropping = CroppingResolver::of($croppingData)->with([
    "scenario_id" => $this->scenario->id,

Here is an example from the scenario cropping manager, which might not be the best example but it illustrates a real scenario.

Things to look out for:

  • Direct array access with hard-coded string indices
  • Checking things like "is new" based on the ID.
  • Many ?? to guard against missing data / bad input. (Risky!)
  • Cleaning the input using array_only.
public function save(array $data): ScenarioCropping
    /** @var ScenarioCropping $cropping */
    $isNew = false;
    $id    = array_get($data, 'id');
    if ($id) {
        $cropping = ScenarioCropping::findOrFail($id);
    } else {
        $cropping = new ScenarioCropping();
        $isNew    = true;

    $croppingData = array_only($data, [

    $cropping->name          = $croppingData['name'];
    $cropping->crop_type_id  = $croppingData['crop_type'];
    $cropping->opening       = $croppingData['opening'] ?? 0;
    $cropping->opening_stock = $croppingData['opening_stock'] ?? 0;
    $cropping->opening_value = $croppingData['opening_value'] ?? 0;
    $cropping->scenario_id   = $this->scenario->id;
    if ($isNew) {
        $cropType                       = $cropping->cropType;
        $cropping->account_id           = $this->createCroppingAccount($cropType, $cropping->name);
        $cropping->stock_account_id     = $this->createCroppingInventoryAccount($cropType, $cropping->name);
        $cropping->valuation_account_id = $this->createCroppingValuationAccount($cropType, $cropping->name);
    } else {


protected function renameAccount(ScenarioCropping $scenarioCropping)
    $account = XeroAccount::where([
        'accountid' => $scenarioCropping->account_id,
        'source'    => AccountsContract::SOURCE_SCENARIO,
        'source_id' => $this->scenario->id,

    if ($account->exists()) {
        $accountName = $this->generateAccountName($scenarioCropping->cropType, $scenarioCropping->name);

            'name' => $accountName,

Using resolvers, we can avoid:

  • Direct, hard-coded array access
  • Not knowing what keys the array has to offer
  • Painful refactoring when keys or models change.
public function save(ScenarioCroppingInterface $input): ScenarioCroppingInterface
    $isNew = $input->getId() === null;
    $model = $isNew ? new ScenarioCropping() : ScenarioCropping::findOrFail($input->getId());
    $attrs = [
        "name"          => $input->getName(),
        "crop_type_id"  => $input->getCropTypeId(),        
        "opening"       => $input->isOpening(),    
        "opening_stock" => $input->getOpeningStock(),        
        "opening_value" => $input->getOpeningValue(),        
        "scenario_id"   => $input->getScenarioId(),      
    $cropType = CropType::findOrFail($input->getCropTypeId());
    if (!$isNew) {
        $this->renameAccount($cropType, $input->getName());
    } else {
        $attrs += [
            "account_id"           => $this->createCroppingAccount($cropType, $input->getName());
            "stock_account_id"     => $this->createCroppingInventoryAccount($cropType, $input->getName());
            "valuation_account_id" => $this->createCroppingValuationAccount($cropType, $input->getName());
    return $model;

protected function renameAccount(ScenarioCroppingInterface $cropping, CropType $cropType)
    $account = XeroAccount::where([
        'accountid' => $cropping->getAccountId(),
        'source_id' => $cropping->getScenarioId(),
        'source'    => AccountsContract::SOURCE_SCENARIO,

    if ($account->exists()) {
            'name' => $this->generateAccountName($scenarioCropping->cropType, $cropping->getName()),


Resolvers (originally from figured/resolvers)


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