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AWS Well-Architected Framework


The Well-Architected Framework whitepaper

AWS have produced a series of whitepapers under the collective title "Well Architected Framework".

The whitepaper's goal is to help you build robust, performant, well thought out solutions that address one of your business's priorities.

It does this by posing a large collection of questions that you should ask yourself throughout the lifecycle of the workload that you are building.

The whitepaper presents an organised collection of best-practices and core strategies for building systems in the cloud.

Many of the practices described translate well to on-prem solutions.



  • Code, configuraion and AWS Resources that together deliver against a requirement.
  • Is a unit of technical ownership
  • Is decoupled from other components


  • Identifies a set of components that together deliver business value
  • Is at a level that business and technology leaders talk about.


  • How components work together in a workload.
  • Represented by architecture diagrams.

Technology Portfolio

  • A collection of workloads that are required for the business to operate.

General practices / Re-occurring themes

  • Working back from the customer (#customer obsessed).
  • Data-driven decisions - stop guessing capacity
  • Test at production scale
  • Automate as much as possible.
  • Game days - test/rehearse/improve runbooks.
  • Detailed logs (audit, architecture state, workload)

The 5 Pillars of the Framework (P R O C S)

AWS's wisdom is distributed among 5 pillars.

  • Performance Efficiency - Use resources efficiently
  • Reliability - Mitigate disruption and recover from failure
  • Operational Excellence - Run, monitor and maintain your workloads.
  • Cost Optimisation - Deploy and run your workload at the lowest price point.
  • Security - Protect information, workloads and assets.

General structure of each pillar

Each pillar comprises

  • Some Design Principles - general guidelines
  • A list of Best Practices - specific guidelines to help expose the areas you want to address.
  • A small list of questions you should ask yourself
  • Key AWS Services that can be used to implement each practice

Operational Excellence

Design Principles of Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence Pillar

  • Perform operations as code
  • Annotate documentation
  • Small, frequent, reversible changes
  • Evolve your ops procedures frequently
  • Use Game Days to help anticipate failure
  • Learn from all ops failures.

Best practices of Operational Excellence

  • Operations teams need to understand their business and customer needs so that they can effectively nd efficiently support business outcomes.
  • Operations creates and uses procedures to respond to operational events.
  • Operations validates that operational procedures support business needs.
  • Operations collects metrics that are used to used to measure the achievement of desired business outcomes.

Opertional Excellence - Prepare

  • Business, Development and Operations must have a shared goals and a shared understanding of the customer needs and business requirements that relate to the workload being supported.
  • Design workloads that can be monitored and inspected (troubleshooting / easily understood) with respect to the requirements as well as customer experience and behaviour.
  • Demonstrate through metrics and procedures that an application is ready to move into production and be supported by operations.
  • Practise using Game Days.
  • Infrastructure as code using CloudFormation so that you can replicate your workload in different environments.
  • Collect logs in Cloudwatch, CloudTrail and VPC Flow Logs.
  • Minimise the number of architecture standards which each add complexity to a workload. More burden on dev and ops.

Opertional Excellence - Operate

  • Define business and customer outcomes that will determine if operations are successful.
  • Identify the workload and operations metrics that will determine if operations are successful.
  • Use runbooks for well understood events.
  • Use playbooks to aid in the resolution of other events.
  • Use dashboards and notifications to communicate the health of your workloads.
  • Tailor the dashboards and notifications to their target audience.

Opertional Excellence - Evolve

  • TBC

For each practice, AWS provide specific questions and practices that can be employed to help provide an answer to each question.

Operational Excellence - Sample Questions

How do you determine what your priorities are?

How do you design your workload you can understand its state?

How do you know you are ready to support a workload?


How do you protect your networks?

How do you protect your compute resources?


How does your system withstand component failures?

Performance Efficiency

How do you evolve your workload to take advantage of new releases?

Cost Optimisation

How do you decommission resources?

The Well-Architected Tool

The Well Architected Tool

Final Thoughts

  • The is an overview of AWS's experience and advice - why would you ignore that?
  • Many of the practices here can be applied to on-prem projects.
  • Familiarity with this whitepaper would be good preparation for any conversations with:
    • Product Owners
    • Infrastructure
    • Security
    • Solutions Architects
    • Pipeline management
  • It turns out that AWS services can be used to solve all the questions posed in this whitepaper.
    • Infrastructure as code
    • S3 Storage Classes and Lifecycle rules
    • Log storage
    • Caching services (Elasticache, API gateway, Dynamo DB)
    • Replication of data (S3, DynamoDb, RDS)
    • Security at all levels of each service.
    • Everything is available via Console , API and SDK
    • Compute available as VMs, containers or functions.

Small note on how AWS work

Each team in AWS is given the capability to build their own application (workloads) as they see fit. To ensure success, AWS put in-place

  1. experts into each team to ensure that practices are being met
  2. automated-checks to ensure that standards are met.
  3. Regular lunchtime talks that focus on applying best practices to real examples.

There are also a virtual team of principal engineers who are available to review designs and discuss options.


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