rodm / teamcity-settings

Example project using TeamCity's Versioned Settings and Kotlin DSL

Repository from Github https://github.comrodm/teamcity-settingsRepository from Github https://github.comrodm/teamcity-settings

Example TeamCity Kotlin DSL configuration to build the Gradle TeamCity plugin

There are versioned settings for multiple different setups, each is on a different branch, below is the branch name and a description of the configuration.

  • master - contains the latest project configuration with build configurations to build the plugin.

  • basic - contains a project configuration with a single build configuration that builds and runs the unit tests with Java 7

  • builds - contains a project configuration with a number of build configurations that build and run either unit tests or functional tests or sample tests. There is also a code quality build configuration that runs the sonarqube task. The common build configuration used by all the build configurations is defined using a base build type.

  • template - contains a project configuration with the same build configurations as the builds branch but they are based on a build template.

Follow the steps below to import the settings into a TeamCity Server

  • Create a VCS Root for the TeamCity settings project in the 'Root project'

    • Enter the project URL,, in the Fetch URL field

    • Enter the branch, refs/heads/branch, in the Default branch field, where branch is either basic, builds, template or master.

  • Create a new sub-project under the Root project

    • Enter a project name

    • Enter the project ID 'GradleTeamCityPlugin'

  • Select 'Versioned Settings'

    • Select the option 'Synchronization enabled', select the VCS root created above then select 'use settings from VCS' and set the format to 'Kotlin' and click the Apply button.

    • A dialog should appear indicating existing settings have been detected, select the 'Import from VCS option'. TeamCity should update the project and create a build configuration.

To make changes fork the project and update the VCS root URLs to use your own repository.


Example project using TeamCity's Versioned Settings and Kotlin DSL


Language:Kotlin 100.0%