rodion-gudz / custom_modules

all non-core modules

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Custom modules

To add your module to the bot, create a pull request in the custom_modules repository

Either send the module and its hash to me (@john_phonk) details in this post

from pyrogram import Client, filters
from pyrogram.types import Message
from ..utils.utils import modules_help, requirements_list, prefix

# packages from PyPI
# import example_1
# import example_2

@Client.on_message(filters.command("example_edit", prefix) &
async def example_edit(client: Client, message: Message):
    await message.edit("<code>This is an example module</code>")

@Client.on_message(filters.command("example_send", prefix) &
async def example_send(client: Client, message: Message):
    await client.send_message(, "<b>This is an example module</b>")

# This adds instructions for your module
    {"example": [{"example_send": "example send"}, {"example_edit": "example edit"}]}

# If your custom module requires packages from PyPI, write the names of the packages in these functions
# requirements_list.append('example_1')
# requirements_list.append('example_2')
# etc


all non-core modules


Language:Python 100.0%