roderik / speedy-github-actions

A collection of scripts to setup bare metal GHA runners with local caching services

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Speedy GitHub Actions

We make heavy use of Github Actions and we want to run them on our own hardware. This repo contains the Ansible playbook to setup the servers.

This repo provides:

  • optimal base operating system
  • Actuated runner
  • Verdaccio NPM cache
  • Docker registry caches for Docker Hub and Github Container Registry
  • S3 server for file caching


Get yourself a license from Actuated. They provide the orchestration bits of this setup.


Get at least two servers on Hetzner (or somewhere else, but we use Hetzner) with at least NVME 2 disks:

SSH into them and take note of the Hardware data section

   CPU1: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor (Cores 32)
   Memory:  128754 MB
   Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 3840 GB (=> 3576 GiB)
   Disk /dev/nvme1n1: 3840 GB (=> 3576 GiB)
   Total capacity 7153 GiB with 2 Disks

Next, run installimage and pick Ubuntu 22.04.

In the config file:

  • Set SWRAID to 1 and pick RAID 1
  • Set the hostname to actuated--<0 prefixed nr>
  • Setup the partitions like this:
PART /boot ext3     1024M
PART lvm   actuated all

LV actuated swap swap swap 64G
LV actuated root /    ext4 1024G

Save, quit, reboot and wait for the server to come back up.

Make sure to use parted to remove every partition from /dev/nvme1n1 if you are reusing a server.


Create a domainname (we use Cloudflare) and point it to the server.


In the infra folder, remove the secret.yml file from the repo and generate a new one:

ansible-vault create secret.yml

Add the following content:

license_key: xxx
dockerhub_pat: xxx
github_pat: xxx

In the inventory.yaml, add your servers in the correct arch group and make sure your ssh key is copied there, you can do so with the following command:

ssh-copy-id root@actuated-<arch>-<0 prefixed nr>

Run the playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml -u root playbook.yaml --ask-vault-pass

Note that the convert logical volume to thinpool task can take quite a while

Github Actions

To make full use of all the caching options, you can use these actions:

Verdaccio NPM Cache

Pipes all npm, yarn and pnpm installs through its proxy cache.

    - name: Setup NPM Cache
      uses: roderik/speedy-github-actions/actions/setup-npm-cache@main

Docker Cache

Pipes all docker pulls through its proxy cache.

    - name: Setup Docker Cache
      uses: roderik/speedy-github-actions/actions/setup-docker-cache@main

    - name: Setup Docker Buildx Cache
      uses: roderik/speedy-github-actions/actions/setup-docker-buildx-cache@main

File Caching

Very similar to actions/cache:

    - name: Get pnpm store directory
      id: pnpm-cache
      shell: bash
      run: |
        echo "STORE_PATH=$(pnpm store path)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

    - name: Cache the PNPM store
      uses: roderik/speedy-github-actions/setup-file-cache@main
        path: |
          ${{ steps.pnpm-cache.outputs.STORE_PATH }}
        key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-pnpm-store-${{ hashFiles('pnpm-lock.yaml') }}
        restore-keys: |
          ${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-pnpm-store-


A collection of scripts to setup bare metal GHA runners with local caching services

License:MIT License


Language:Jinja 100.0%