rococodogs / node-oclc-copy-resource

Access OCLC's WMS Copy Resource Service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Accesses OCLC's WMS Copy Resource Service, which is a part of the Collection Management API.


var WSKey = require('oclc-wskey')
var CopyResource = require('oclc-copy-resource')
var user = {
  principalID: 'principalID',
  principalIDNS: 'principalIDNS'
var key = new WSKey('public key', 'secret key', user)
var cr = new CopyResource(128807, key)

cr.barcode(12345678, function (err, item) {
  if (err) throw err


var cr = new CopyResource(instID, wskey)

Creates a new CopyResource instance, callback)

Accesses a single copy via copyID.[, opts], callback)

Performs a search using either an OCLC number or barcode. searchObj is an object with either oclc or barcode as the key. opts is an object with the keys startIndex and itemsPerPage (defaults to 1 and 10, respectively).

cr.barcode(barcode[, opts], callback)

Wrapper for{barcode: barcode}, opts, callback).

cr.oclc(oclcNum[, opts], callback)

Wrapper for `{oclc: oclcNum}, opts, callback)

cr.update(copyID || searchObj, opts, transformFunction, callback)

NOTE this is super experimental and could have bad consequences if not used carefully (like, wipe-away-all-of-your-copy-data-for-an-item bad).

Adds update support. Retrieves the copy resource object using when a copyID is provided, or when a search object is provided. The opts parameter is optional and is only passed to search operations. Only barcode searching is provided and is not recommended if updating periodicals or items with many (> 10) copies attached (see below).

transformFunction is a user-provided function that edits the copy resource document (which is passed as its sole parameter). This function should return the updated document, which will then be converted to XML and PUT to the OCLC servers. If a false-y value is returned, callback is passed the formatted results from search and the update is never sent.

callback receives function (err, result) {} and is optional (but note that any errors that occur are passed to this function).

When updating the copy resource document, be sure to stick with OCLC's JSON conventions (elements that are arrays vs. not). The xmlify transform function is a little lenient with some elements, but isn't entirely consistent (I'm workin' on it!).


cr = new CopyResource(128807, wskey)
cr.update(12345678, transform, callback)

// add a note
function transform (doc) {
  doc.holding[0].note.push({type: 'PUBLIC', value: 'Staff Pick, 3/2016'})
  return doc

function callback (err, result) {
  if (err) {
    // handle the error

  else {
    // handle the updated copy resource record

Example: Handling items with multiple holdings using a barcode

var search = {barcode: 31542002390221}
cr.update(search, transform, callback)

function transform (doc) {
  var holdings = doc.holding
  holding.forEach(function (h) {
    if (h.pieceDesignation.indexOf(search.barcode) > -1) {
      h.note.push({type: 'PUBLIC', value: 'Staff Pick, 3/2016'})

  doc.holding = holdings
  return doc


Access OCLC's WMS Copy Resource Service


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