rockt / awesome-torch

A curated list of awesome Torch tutorials, projects and communities

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Awesome Torch

A curated list of awesome Torch tutorials, projects and communities.

Table of Contents


Model Zoo

Codes and related articles. (#) means authors of code and paper are different.

Recurrent Networks

Convolutional Networks


  • Neural Attention Model for Abstractive Summarization
    • Alexander M. Rush, Sumit Chopra, Jason Weston, A Neural Attention Model for Abstractive Summarization, EMNLP 2015 [Paper]
  • Memory Networks
    • Sainbayar Sukhbaatar, Arthur Szlam, Jason Weston, Rob Fergus, End-To-End Memory Networks, arXiv:1503.08895, [Paper]
  • Neural Turing Machine
    • Alex Graves, Greg Wayne, Ivo Danihelka, Neural Turing Machines, arXiv:1410.5401 [Paper]
  • Deep Q-network, DeepMind-Atari-Deep-Q-Learner
    • Volodymyr Mnih, Koray Kavukcuoglu, David Silver, Andrei A. Rusu, Joel Veness, Marc G. Bellemare, Alex Graves, Martin Riedmiller, Andreas K. Fidjeland, Georg Ostrovski, Stig Petersen, Charles Beattie, Amir Sadik, Ioannis Antonoglou, Helen King, Dharshan Kumaran, Daan Wierstra, Shane Legg, Demis Hassabis, Human-Level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning, Nature, [Paper]
  • TripletNet
    • (#) Elad Hoffer, Nir Ailon, Deep metric learning using Triplet network, arXiv:1412.6622 [Paper]
  • Word2Vec
    • (#) Tomas Mikolov, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, Jeffrey Dean, Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space, ICLR 2013 [Paper]


  • nn : an easy and modular way to build and train simple or complex neural networks [Code] [Documentation]
  • dp : a deep learning library designed for streamlining research and development [Code] [Documentation]
  • nngraph : provides graphical computation for nn library [Code] [Oxford Introduction]
  • cudnn : Torch FFI bindings for NVIDIA CuDNN [Code]
  • rnn : Recurrent Neural Network library [Code]
  • fbcunn : Facebook's extensions to torch/cunn [Code] [Documentation]
  • fblualib : Facebook libraries and utilities for Lua [Code]
  • loadcaffe : Load Caffe networks in Torch [Code]
  • iTorch : IPython kernel for Torch with visualization and plotting [Code]
  • torch-android : Torch for Android [Code]



A curated list of awesome Torch tutorials, projects and communities