rocketfellows / es-vat-number-format-validators-config

This package provides a preconfigured configuration class for vat number format validators for Spain country. Is an extension of the package

Repository from Github https://github.comrocketfellows/es-vat-number-format-validators-configRepository from Github https://github.comrocketfellows/es-vat-number-format-validators-config

Spain vat number format validators config

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This package provides a preconfigured configuration class for vat number format validators for Spain country. Is an extension of the package


composer require rocketfellows/es-vat-number-format-validators-config



List of package components

  • rocketfellows\ESVatNumberFormatValidatorsConfig\ESVatNumberFormatValidatorsConfig - preconfigured configuration class for vat number format validators for Spain country;

ESVatNumberFormatValidatorsConfig description

A configuration class that provides a match for the vat number format validators for the country Spain.

Class interface:

  • getCountry - returns Spain Country instance;
  • getValidators - returns validators tuple

When initializing the default configuration, the getValidators function returns a tuple with a single validator - an instance of ESVatFormatValidator.

$config = new ESVatNumberFormatValidatorsConfig();

$config->getCountry();      // returns Spain Country instance
$config->getValidators();   // returns CountryVatFormatValidators with one item - instance of ESVatFormatValidator

You can override the default validator by initializing the configuration class object with a new default validator through the first parameter of the class constructor. Attention - validator must implement interface CountryVatFormatValidatorInterface.

$newDefaultValidator = new NewDefaultValidator();                       // instance of CountryVatFormatValidatorInterface
$config = new ESVatNumberFormatValidatorsConfig($newDefaultValidator);  // initialize with new default validator

$config->getValidators();   // returns CountryVatFormatValidators with one item - $newDefaultValidator

You can add additional validators to the default validator via the second constructor parameter.

Attention - additional validators parameter must be instance of tuple CountryVatFormatValidators. And each additional validator must implement interface CountryVatFormatValidatorInterface.

$firstAdditionalValidator = new FirstAdditionalValidator();   // instance of CountryVatFormatValidatorInterface
$secondAdditionalValidator = new SecondAdditionalValidator(); // instance of CountryVatFormatValidatorInterface

$config = new ESVatNumberFormatValidatorsConfig(
        new CountryVatFormatValidators(

// returns CountryVatFormatValidators with three items:
// default preconfigured validator by default - instance of ESVatFormatValidator
// $firstAdditionalValidator - from additional tuple
// $secondAdditionalValidator - from additional tuple

You can also completely rebuild the configuration by passing the default validator and a tuple of additional validators to the config class constructor.

$defaultValidator = new DefaultValidator();                   // instance of CountryVatFormatValidatorInterface
$firstAdditionalValidator = new FirstAdditionalValidator();   // instance of CountryVatFormatValidatorInterface
$secondAdditionalValidator = new SecondAdditionalValidator(); // instance of CountryVatFormatValidatorInterface

$config = new ESVatNumberFormatValidatorsConfig(
        new CountryVatFormatValidators(

// returns CountryVatFormatValidators with three items:
// $defaultValidator from constructor first parameter
// $firstAdditionalValidator - from additional tuple
// $secondAdditionalValidator - from additional tuple

More use case examples can be found in the package's unit tests.


Welcome to pull requests. If there is a major changes, first please open an issue for discussion.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


This package provides a preconfigured configuration class for vat number format validators for Spain country. Is an extension of the package


Language:PHP 83.6%Language:Shell 12.2%Language:Dockerfile 4.1%