robustgen / bleurt

BLEURT is a metric for Natural Language Generation based on transfer learning.

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BLEURT: a Transfer Learning-Based Metric for Natural Language Generation

BLEURT is an evaluation metric for Natural Language Generation. It takes a pair of sentences as input, a reference and a candidate, and it returns a score that indicates to what extent the candidate is grammatical and conveys the mearning of the reference. It is comparable to sentence-BLEU and BERTscore.

BLEURT is a trained metric, that is, it is a regression model trained on ratings data. The model is based on BERT. This repository contains all the code necessary to use it and/or fine-tune it for your own applications. BLEURT uses Tensorflow, and it benefits greatly from modern GPUs (it runs on CPU too).

A comprehensive overview of BLEURT can be found in our ACL paper BLEURT: Learning Robust Metrics for Text Generation.


BLEURT runs in Python 3. It relies heavily on Tensorflow (>=1.15) and the library tf-slim (>=1.1, currently only available on GitHub). You may install it as follows:

pip install --upgrade pip  # ensures that pip is current
git clone
cd bleurt
pip install .

You may check your install with unit tests:

python -m unittest bleurt.score_test
python -m unittest bleurt.score_not_eager_test
python -m unittest bleurt.finetune_test


Command-line tools and APIs

Currently, there are three methods to invoke BLEURT: the command-line tool, the Python API, and the Tensorflow API.

Command-line interface

The simplest way to use BLEURT is through command-line, as shown below.

python -m bleurt.score \
  -candidate_file=bleurt/test_data/candidates \
  -reference_file=bleurt/test_data/references \
  -bleurt_checkpoint=bleurt/test_checkpoint \

The files candidates and references contain one sentence per line (see the folder test_data for the exact format). Invoking the command should produce a file scores which contains one BLEURT score per sentence pair.

The flags bleurt_checkpoint and scores_file are optional. If bleurt_checkpoint is not specified, BLEURT will default to the test checkpoint, based on BERT-Tiny. Given the modest performance of the model, this is not recommended. If scores_files is not specified, BLEURT will use the standard output.

You may also specify the flag bleurt_batch_size which determines the number of sentence pairs processed at once by BLEURT. The default value is 100, you may want to increase or decrease it based on the memory available. More information on the topic further down.

The following command lists all the other command-line options:

python -m bleurt.score -helpshort

Python API

BLEURT may be used as a Python library as follows:

from bleurt import score

checkpoint = "bleurt/test_checkpoint"
references = ["This is a test."]
candidates = ["This is the test."]

scorer = score.BleurtScorer(checkpoint)
scores = scorer.score(references, candidates)
assert type(scores) == list and len(scores) == 1

Here again, BLEURT will default to BERT-Tiny if no checkpoint is specified.

BLEURT works both in eager_mode (default in TF 2.0) and in a tf.Session (TF 1.0), but the latter mode is slower and may be deprecated in the near future.

Tensorflow API

Finally, BLEURT may be embedded in a TF computation graph, e.g., to visualize it on the Tensorboard while training a model.

The following piece of code shows an example:

import tensorflow as tf
# Set tf.enable_eager_execution() if using TF 1.x.

from bleurt import score

references = tf.constant(["This is a test."])
candidates = tf.constant(["This is the test."])

bleurt_ops = score.create_bleurt_ops()
bleurt_out = bleurt_ops(references, candidates)

assert bleurt_out["predictions"].shape == (1,)

The crucial part is the call to score.create_bleurt_ops, which creates the TF ops.



A BLEURT checkpoint is a self-contained folder that contains a regression model and some information that BLEURT needs to run. BLEURT checkpoints can be downloaded, copy-pasted, and stored anywhere. Furthermore, checkpoints are tunable, which means that they can be fine-tuned on custom ratings data.

Currently, the following six BLEURT checkpoints are available, fine-tuned on WMT Metrics ratings data from 2015 to 2018. They vary on two aspects: the size of the model, and the size of the input. The bigger the model, the more accurately it models human ratings, but the more resources it needs. If you don't know where to start, we recommend using BLEURT-base with 128 tokens.

Name Max #tokens Size (#layers, # hidden units)
BLEURT-Tiny (default) 128 2-128
BLEURT-Tiny 512 2-128
BLEURT-Base (recommended) 128 12-768
BLEURT-Base 512 12-768
BLEURT-Large 128 24-1024
BLEURT-Large 512 24-1024

For instance, you may use BLEURT-tiny-512 as follows:

wget .
python -m bleurt.score \
  -candidate_file=bleurt/test_data/candidates \
  -reference_file=bleurt/test_data/references \

The column max #tokens specifies the size of BLEURT's input. Internally, the model tokenizes candidate and the reference, concatenates them, then adds 3 special tokens. The field indicates the maximum total number of WordPiece tokens. If the threshold is exceeded, BLEURT truncates the input.

Note 1: The checkpoints are not calibrated like BLEU; the results are not in the range [0,1]. Instead, they simulate the human ratings of the WMT Metrics Shared Task, which are standardized per annotator. We advise to use the metrics for comparison, and recommend against interpreting the absolute values. See here for more information about BLEURT's calibration.

Note 2: Each checkpoint is a different model. Thus the results produced by different checkpoints are not directly comparable with each other.

In generally, the larger the checkpoints the more accurate the ratings. The following table compares BLEURT's performance to that of the best approaches available at the time of writing on the WMT Metrics shared task 2019. We report the Kendall Tau between the metrics and human ratings, higher is better.

Model Max #tokens de-en fi-en gu-en kk-en lt-en ru-en zh-en Average
YiSi-SRL 26.3 27.8 26.6 36.9 30.9 25.3 38.9 30.4
BERTscore (BERT-large) 26.2 27.6 25.8 36.9 30.8 25.2 37.5 30.0
BLEU 19.4 20.6 17.3 30.0 23.8 19.4 28.7 22.7
BLEURT-tiny 128 25.4 25.7 23.7 36.3 29.0 23.3 35.0 28.3
BLEURT-tiny 512 26.1 26.0 24.5 36.7 29.4 23.7 36.1 28.9
BLEURT-base 128 31.3 31.4 28.1 39.6 35.4 28.4 41.7 33.7
BLEURT-base 512 31.0 31.2 28.3 39.1 35.2 28.0 41.7 33.5
BLEURT-large 128 31.4 31.9 28.1 39.8 35.4 28.4 42.4 33.9
BLEURT-large 512 31.3 31.8 27.7 39.2 34.8 28.7 43.4 33.9

Those checkpoints were trained in three steps: normal BERT pre-training (see Devlin et al. and Turc et al.), pre-training on synthetic ratings, then fine-tuning on the WMT Metrics database of human ratings, years 2015 to 2018. The general approach is presented in our paper. Compared to the published results, we used 20k training steps, a batch size of 16, and export every 250 steps.

More about runtime and memory

Three parameters control BLEURT's runtime and memory footprint: the size of the model, the size of the input, and the batch size. The larger the model, the more resources it needs. The batch size controls the trade-off between memory and runtime. In general, the model benefits greatly from GPUs, but it can also run on a CPU.

If you do not have access to a GPU or the memory on your GPU is small, we recommend using the smaller models and lowering the batch size, at least for development. Batch size 16 is a good place to start.

For reference, the table below presents BLEURT's runtime on a laptop with no GPU, using batch size 16.

Model Max #tokens 1k examples (mins) 2k examples (mins) 5k examples (mins)
BLEURT-tiny 128 0.1 0.1 0.3
BLEURT-tiny 512 0.2 0.4 1.1
BLEURT-base 128 2.0 4.1 10.1
BLEURT-base 512 12.1 23.6 57.8

We used a MacBook Pro with a 2.2 GHz 6-core Intel Core i7 and 32GB main memory.

Fine-tuning BLEURT checkpoints

BLEURT offers a command-line tool to fine-tune BLEURT on a custom set of ratings. To illustrate, the following command fine-tunes BERT-tiny on a toy set of ratings:

python -m bleurt.finetune \
  -init_bleurt_checkpoint=bleurt/test_checkpoint \
  -model_dir=my_new_bleurt_checkpoint \
  -train_set=bleurt/test_data/ratings_train.jsonl \
  -dev_set=bleurt/test_data/ratings_dev.jsonl \

You may open the files test_data/ratings_*.jsonl for example of how the files should be formattted. Internally, the script tokenizes the JSON sentences, it serializes them into TFRecord files, and it runs a train/eval loop. It saves the best model and exports it as a BLEURT checkpoint.

If you are a Tensorboard user, you may visualize the training progress:

tensorboard --logdir my_new_bleurt_checkpoint

The fine-tuning script involves a lot of parameters, such as batch_size, learning_rate, save_checkpoints_steps, or max_seq_length. You may list them as follows: python -helpfull. Many of them are borrowed from the BERT codebase.

In general, we warmly recommend using a GPU to fine-tune BERT. Please note that most commodity GPGPU do not currently have the capacity to fine-tune BERT/BLEURT-large, more info here.

Training directly from BERT

If you wish to train a new metric from a "fresh" BERT checkpoint (that is, not fine-tuned on ratings), you can easily do so. The API is almost the same as fine-tuning from BLEURT:

python -m bleurt.finetune \
  -init_checkpoint=${BERT_DIR}/${BERT_CKPT} \
  -bert_config_file=${BERT_DIR}/bert_config.json \
  -vocab_file=${BERT_DIR}/vocab.txt \
  -model_dir=my_new_bleurt_checkpoint \
  -train_set=bleurt/test_data/ratings_train.jsonl \
  -dev_set=bleurt/test_data/ratings_dev.jsonl \

We also release the checkpoints of BERT "warmed up" with synthetic ratings, as explained in our ACL paper. You may find them here:

Pre-trained Model

What's in a BLEURT checkpoint?

Technically, a checkpoint is a Tensorflow SavedModel with a bleurt_config.json file that defines some parmeters for BLEURT. It also contains two additional files required by BERT, the dictionary vocab.txt and the parameters files bert_config.json.

Experimenting with the WMT Metrics shared task

In addition to the BLEURT, we release scripts to facilitate working with the WMT Metrics Shared task and reproduce experiments from our ACL submission. All the scripts are in the wmt/ folder.

Downloading and aggregating the WMT ratings

We found it difficult to work with ratings from the WMT ratings shared task because the data is spread over several archives. The following command downloads all the necessary archives and aggregates the ratings in one large JSONL file.

python -m bleurt.wmt.db_builder \
  -target_language="en" \
  -rating_years="2015 2016" \

You may use any combination of years from 2015 to 2019.

Reproducing results from the paper

The script wmt/ can be used to reproduce results from our ACL paper. It downloads ratings from the WMT website, postprocesses them, trains a BLEURT checkpoint and computes the correlation with human ratings.

You may for instance reproduce the results of Table 2 as follows:

python -m bleurt.wmt.benchmark \
 -train_years="2015 2016" \
 -test_years="2017" \
 -dev_ratio=0.1 \
 -model_dir=bleurt_model \
 -results_json=results.json \
 -init_checkpoint=${BERT_DIR}/${BERT_CKPT} \
 -bert_config_file=${BERT_DIR}/bert_config.json \
 -vocab_file=${BERT_DIR}/vocab.txt \

For years 2018 and 2019, the flag average_duplicates_on_test must be set to False for a direct comparison with results from the paper. This flag enables averaging different ratings for each distinct reference-candidate pair, which the organizers of the WMT shared task started doing in 2018.

The exact correlations will probably be different from those reported in the paper because of differences in setup and initialization (expect differences between 0.001 and 0.1).


BLEURT is a metric for Natural Language Generation based on transfer learning.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%