Rishabh Singh's repositories
The project’s main goal is to investigate real-time object detection and tracking of pedestrians or bicyclists using a Velodyne LiDAR Sensor. Various point-cloud-based algorithms are implemented using the Open3d python package. The resulting 3D point cloud can then be processed to detect objects in the surrounding environment.
Built a navigation stack using two different sensors - GPS & IMU, understand their relative strengths + drawbacks, and get an introduction to sensor fusion.
Collected Stationary and walking data using a RTK sensor. Parsed the $GNGGA string for the latitude, longitude, and altitude. Converted the latitude and longitude to UTM.
Collected Stationary and walking data using a GNSS Puck. Parsed the $GPGGA string for the latitude, longitude, and altitude. Converted the latitude and longitude to UTM.
Collected roughly 5 hours and 15 minutes worth of stationary IMU data at a location that is not subject to vibrations. Parsed $VNYMR string, to get accel, gyro, orientation (roll, pitch, yaw) and magnetometer data and analyzed the data for Allan variance.
The main aim of the project is to implement Content Based Image Retrieval which is one of the most important concepts of computer vision. The bog companies are using this to compare the similarity between the images based on the feature vector of the Targeted image.
Implemented a 5x5 Gaussian filter, 3x3 Sobel X and 3x3 Sobel Y, generated a gradient magnitude image from the X and Y Sobel images, blurred and quantized a color image, did live video cartoonization, put sparkles into the image where there are strong edges.
This project involved developing an autonomous system using mobile robots for disaster response. The system generated a complete map of an initially unknown environment and located any victims using AprilTags. Off-the-shelf components were used, and explore lite was modified to improve performance. The code and a group report were submitted
This project involves the creation of an Instagram bot using Selenium. The bot is designed to assist in automating common Instagram tasks such as logging in, following accounts, and interacting with posts.
Personal website and blog - Technical Fridays
Lane detection is a crucial step in training autonomous driving cars. It helps identify and avoid entering other lanes by analyzing visual input. Lane recognition algorithms play a vital role in ADAS and autonomous vehicle systems. They accurately detect lane locations and borders, contributing to safe and reliable navigation.
This repository consits solutions of LeetCode question in Cpp.
Hospitals and medical facilities routinely generate various documents such as patient medical records and prescriptions. These documents are essential for insurance claims processing. To streamline this process and improve efficiency, I've developed a solution that enables hospitals to scan these documents and automatically extract the crucial data
This project is about real-time 2D object recognition. The goal is to have the computer identify a specified set of objects placed on a white surface in a translation, scale, and rotation invariant manner from a camera looking straight down. The computer should be able to recognize single objects placed in the image and identify the objects.
This projects presents a Jarvis-Like AI Desktop voice assistant leveraging Python.
This project is about learning how to calibrate a camera , then use the calibration to generate virtual objects in a scene. After getting calibration parameters System will be able to identify a target and then position a virtual item in the scene next to the target so that it moves and orients itself appropriately in response to camera or target.
We will look at the role and use of calibrated cameras for simple photomosaicing.
Detailed analysis of the Indian Startups for interpretation of trends and patterns to facilitate selection of proper city, useful investors, funding type e.t.c, for different startups.
This repository consists solutions of Coding Ninjas Course of "Basics of C++ with Data Structures and Algorithm"
In this project, I conducted an in-depth data analysis for a hotel chain. I began by thoroughly understanding the core business challenge and then leveraged a Kaggle dataset. My work encompassed data cleaning, transforming the dataset, and extracting valuable insights to provide a comprehensive understanding of the hotel chain's data.
My personal website
The purpose of this project is to create a comprehensive dashboard to assist the management team of StayCatin.com, an online platform for booking vacation properties, in making informed business decisions.
Performed Text Classification using Multinomial Naive Bayes, Also implemented naive bayes then compared results of the implementations.