robot0321 / svox_custom

customizing svox library, especially for the rendering process

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SVOX custom: customize the rendering method following NeRF and NeuS

Folked from the repository

  • I customize the trace_ray function in svox/csrc/ file.

    template <typename scalar_t>
    __device__ __inline__ void trace_ray(
    PackedTreeSpec<scalar_t>& __restrict__ tree,
    SingleRaySpec<scalar_t> ray,
    RenderOptions& __restrict__ opt,
    torch::TensorAccessor<scalar_t, 1, torch::RestrictPtrTraits, int32_t> out) {
    const scalar_t delta_scale = _get_delta_scale(tree.scaling, ray.dir);
    scalar_t tmin, tmax;
    scalar_t invdir[3];
    const int tree_N = tree.child.size(1);
    const int data_dim =;
    const int out_data_dim = out.size(0);
    #pragma unroll
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    invdir[i] = 1.0 / (ray.dir[i] + 1e-9);
    _dda_unit(ray.origin, invdir, &tmin, &tmax);
    if (tmax < 0 || tmin > tmax) {
    // Ray doesn't hit box
    for (int j = 0; j < out_data_dim; ++j) {
    out[j] = opt.background_brightness;
    } else {
    for (int j = 0; j < out_data_dim; ++j) {
    out[j] = 0.f;
    scalar_t pos[3];
    scalar_t basis_fn[25];
    maybe_precalc_basis<scalar_t>(opt.format, opt.basis_dim,
    tree.extra_data, ray.vdir, basis_fn);
    scalar_t light_intensity = 1.f;
    scalar_t t = tmin;
    scalar_t cube_sz;
    const scalar_t d_rgb_pad = 1 + 2 * opt.rgb_padding;
    while (t < tmax) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
    pos[j] = ray.origin[j] + t * ray.dir[j];
    int64_t node_id;
    scalar_t* tree_val = query_single_from_root<scalar_t>(, tree.child,
    pos, &cube_sz, tree.weight_accum != nullptr ? &node_id : nullptr);
    scalar_t att;
    scalar_t subcube_tmin, subcube_tmax;
    _dda_unit(pos, invdir, &subcube_tmin, &subcube_tmax);
    const scalar_t t_subcube = (subcube_tmax - subcube_tmin) / cube_sz;
    const scalar_t delta_t = t_subcube + opt.step_size;
    scalar_t sigma = tree_val[data_dim - 1];
    // if (opt.density_softplus) sigma = _SOFTPLUS_M1(sigma);
    if (sigma > opt.sigma_thresh) {
    att = expf(-delta_t * delta_scale * sigma);
    const scalar_t weight = light_intensity * (1.f - att);
    if (opt.format != FORMAT_RGBA) {
    for (int t = 0; t < out_data_dim; ++ t) {
    int off = t * opt.basis_dim;
    scalar_t tmp = 0.0;
    for (int i = opt.min_comp; i <= opt.max_comp; ++i) {
    tmp += basis_fn[i] * tree_val[off + i];
    out[t] += weight * (_SIGMOID(tmp) * d_rgb_pad - opt.rgb_padding);
    } else {
    for (int j = 0; j < out_data_dim; ++j) {
    // out[j] += weight * (_SIGMOID(tree_val[j]) * d_rgb_pad - opt.rgb_padding);
    out[j] += weight * tree_val[j];
    light_intensity *= att;
    if (tree.weight_accum != nullptr) {
    if (tree.weight_accum_max) {
    atomicMax(&tree.weight_accum[node_id], weight);
    } else {
    atomicAdd(&tree.weight_accum[node_id], weight);
    if (light_intensity <= opt.stop_thresh) {
    // Full opacity, stop
    scalar_t scale = 1.0 / (1.0 - light_intensity);
    for (int j = 0; j < out_data_dim; ++j) {
    out[j] *= scale;
    t += delta_t;
    for (int j = 0; j < out_data_dim; ++j) {
    out[j] += light_intensity * opt.background_brightness;

  • This code is not complete since I only fixed the forward function (only for customized rendering, not training)

  • Whenever you change the library code, do uninstall and re-install. (There is dev-mode but I did not use it)

  • svox/csrc/ is for NeuS and svox/csrc/ is for NeRF

  • Note that the file named svox/csrc/ is used in this library. If you want to change, swap the name of files.


python install


pip uninstall svox


Please see


customizing svox library, especially for the rendering process

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:C++ 69.9%Language:Cuda 12.2%Language:Python 11.8%Language:CMake 6.1%Language:C 0.0%