robmadden / bundler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Take input file and find the least number of valid bundles.


To execute my solution run: node bundler.js tests/* on the command line.

Extra Tests

I added a few tests aside from the validation given. The three tests I added were:

  • A test for all possible combinations of the logic in the daysAreConsecutive function
  • A test for the testIsValidChild function that tests a few different combinations of different shipments
  • A test that redundantly checks the logic in validate.js

To execute these tests run: node bundler_tests.js tests/[test_name] where test_name is one individual test on the command line.

Side Notes

Currently, I am programming in golang, so tyring to write this in node.js was a good cognitive exercise for me.

In the original, I think there's a typo on this line (5 should be 6?):

And here is a sample output file for the above input which bundles the 5 shipments into 2 bundles:



Language:JavaScript 100.0%