robmacc / capstone-molecule-environment

Reinforcement learning environment for inverse drug design.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Reinforcement learning environment for inverse drug design.


Install dependencies:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate environment:

conda activate mol-env

Getting started

To get a working gym environment all that's needed is to use the provided repository structure (see here):

  • Any dependencies that the environment needs must be defined in
  • The environment's entry point must be defined in gym_molecule/
  • The environment needs to be imported into gym_molecule/envs/__init.py__
  • With this structure the environment can be installed with pip install -e . from the working directory.
  • The environment definition must be written in gym_molecule/envs/molecule_env, and should implement the interface provided by the gym.Env class (see the definition here).
  • The essential methods which need definitions are step, reset, render, seed, and close.
  • These stubs have been provided in gym_molecule/envs/


Please use pytest to test the environment, an example test file (see tests/environment_test) and a testing workflow script (see .github/workflows/testing) have been provided.


Reinforcement learning environment for inverse drug design.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%