robitussin / CCOMPORG

Computer Organization and Architecture Course

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains all of the python code implementations for each topic in the course outline for Computer Organization and Architecture

Course Outline:

Topic Description
Part 1 - Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture Organization and Architecture, Brief History of Computers, Evolution of Intel x86 Architecture, Embedded Systems, ARM architecture, Cloud Computing
Part 2 - CPU Performance Issues Designing for Performance, Multicore, MICs and GPGPUs, Amdahl's and Little's Law, Basic measures of computer performance, Calculating the Mean, BenchMarks and SPEC
Part 3 - Computer Arithmetic and Logic Unit
Part 4 - Instruction Set Architecture
Part 5 - MIPS Architecture and MIPS64 Instruction Set
Part 6 - Pipelining and Pipeline Hazard


Computer Organization and Architecture Course