robindemourat / metis-shared

πŸ—‚ publishing platform prototype (reusable modules)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Collection of utilities and components being used accross the apps in the metis experiment.

Metis shared screencast


npm install metis-shared --save


npm install
npm test


The lib provides the following modules :

  utils: { // utilitary pure functions
    parseBibTeXToCSLJSON, // transform bibtex data into a csl-json representation
    resourceToCslJSON // tranform metis-schema compliant resource into a csl-json representation
  components: { // react components
    contextualizers: { // all the contextualizers modules
    previews: {
      DynamicMontagePreview, // dynamic preview component (simulates the routes logic with its inner state)
      StaticMontagePreview, // static montage assemblage
      FacebookPreview, // facebook post simulation
      TwitterPreview, // tweet simumation
      MailingPreview, // mail preview wrapper
    views: {
      static: {
        Composition, // composition component
        DecoratedComposition, // standalone comosition component to display in its own (e.g. in epub composition)
        ArticleTemplate, // static article template
        Colophon, // colophon component
        Cover, // cover component
        Toc, // table of content component
        StandaloneCover, // static cover to be displayed in its own (i.e. for epub cover generation)
      dynamic: {
        ArticleTemplate, // dynamic article template
        FullscreenTemplate, // dynamic full screen template
        Composition, // dynamic composition
        Home, // dynamic main page
      micro: {
        MicropublicationMail // micropublication mail component
    renderer // enhanced redraft renderer for draft-based content rendering
  constants // various constants names (i.e. draft entities names)

Note on contextualizers modules

Each contextualizer module :

  • must expose a meta submodule, which is a json object describing parameters and properties of the contextualizer
  • must expose a Block submodue, which is a react component handling block contextualizations
  • may expose an Inline submodue, which is a react component handling inline contextualizations

The meta submodule must be structured as follows :

  id: 'audio', // id of the contextualizer module
  accepts: ['audio'],// accepted ressources types
  assetPickingRules: { // rules for finding the right field to display one of the contextualizer's properties
    track: {// each key correspond to a specific contexualizer property
        // each key is an array of resources' data properties keys
        // the order of ids in the array defines a cascade to look into
        // for selecting the best available resource property to use for contextualization
      'web': ['audio_track_asset_id'],// rules for web rendering
      'micro': [], // rules for micropublication rendering
      'epub-fixed': ['audio_track_asset_id'], // rules for epub (fixed) rendering
      'pdf': [], // rules for pdf rendering
      'epub-reflowable': [] // rules for epub (reflowable) rendering


  • axios: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
  • citation-js: Citation.js converts formats like BibTeX, Wikidata JSON and ContentMine JSON to CSL-JSON to convert to other formats like APA, Vancouver and back to BibTeX.
  • d3-dsv: A parser and formatter for delimiter-separated values, such as CSV and TSV
  • mime-types: The ultimate javascript content-type utility.
  • opentype.js: OpenType font parser
  • oy-vey: React utilities for building server-side email templates.
  • parse-srt: Parse and convert SRT subtitles into JSON format.
  • react-citeproc: react wrapping components for csl-based citations
  • react-dimensions: React higher-order component to get dimensions of container
  • react-image-tiler: A responsive image tiling component for React
  • react-images: A simple, responsive lightbox component for displaying an array of images with React.js
  • react-media-player: React media player.
  • react-modal: Accessible modal dialog component for React.JS
  • react-table: A fast, lightweight, opinionated table and datagrid built on React
  • react-tweet: React.js component for rendering tweets as they are presented on
  • react-zoomable-image: React component for zoomable images
  • redraft: Renders the result of Draft.js convertToRaw using provided callbacks, works well with React
  • three: JavaScript 3D library

Dev Dependencies





πŸ—‚ publishing platform prototype (reusable modules)



Language:JavaScript 75.2%Language:CSS 22.8%Language:TeX 2.0%