robhurring / git-jira

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a small git command to help with a Jira workflow. It will assist in creating branches based off ticket ID's as well as starting pull-requests. A few other useful things it can do are open the current branch's ticket and copy its URL.


Since we're using HTTParty and basic-auth you must have a username/password for your jira account. Google authentication will not work. To reset/create a password for your Jira account visit and reset your password.


Clone this repo locally:

git clone

Install dependencies:

bundle install

Install the gem:

rake install

Configure your Jira authentication (currently only .netrc/basic auth):

echo "machine login password s3cr1t" >> ~/.netrc
chmod 600 ~/.netrc


git jira config

Theres a few things you can configure using the format git jira config -s KEY=VALUE

Running this command will create a file at ~/.git-jira/config.yml that you can modify as well.


This is your subdomain on the jira site


This is used to prefix associated repos in the pull-requests. This can be your username or organization name.


When generating a pull-request walk all directories in repo_search_paths and see if the git repository is using the same branch name. If the branches match, it will be pulled into the pull-request as an 'Associated Repo'. Separate multiple paths with a ","

Example: git jira config -s repo_search_paths=~/Sites/apps,~/Sites/gems


If you want to override any templates, place them in this folder. There is only the pull_request template currently.

Example: git jira config -s templates_path=~/.my-templates


When creating a branch, use upto chars from the summary.



git jira branch <TICKET ID> [DESCRIPTION]

Pass in a given ticket id to start a new branch in the format "TICKET_FIRST_X_CHARS_OF_TICKET_SUMMARY"

If you pass in a description as the second argument it will use that as the description, otherwise it will fetch the ticket through the API and use the summary line.

Ticket Info

Must be on a jira branch

git jira info

If you are on a jira branch (one starting with FY-####) this will grab the ticket through the API and spit out some basic details about it; things like summary, description, asignee, reporter, reviewer, status, etc.

Open Ticket in Browser

Must be on a jira branch

git jira open

This will open the current branch's ticket in your browser


Must be on a jira branch

git jira pull-request git jira pull-request --create *Uses the hub command to open the pull-request`

This will lookup a bunch of details about your branch and produce a pull-request template with the following things:

  • The formatted title "TICKET#: Summary of ticket"
  • A link to the ticket in the description
  • Any associated apps/gems (see config section for more)
  • The code reviewer

You can create your own pull-request template by updating the config setting templates_path (see config section)


Templates will be searched for in git jira config -g templates_path


Name: pull-request *Template: *

/cc %{reviewer}


### Associated


### Summary

### Testing

The variables are:

  • reviewer: The ticket's code reviewer's username (no github user mapping)
  • ticket_link: A link to the ticket
  • associated_repos: Any repo in repo_search_paths that is using the same branch. (See config section)


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/git-jira/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%