robhurring / class_logger

Adds custom logger(s) to any ruby module or class

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Class Logger

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Makes adding multiple loggers or custom loggers to any ruby class. Written mainly to have certain models in Rails log to a different file while maintaining the original logger (or overwriting it).

The idea came from eandrejko and his class_logger. I just added some more flexibility and made it to work outside of Rails.


gem install class_logger


ClassLogger supports a bunch of options that are passed straight to the Logger. Most of these options should make sense, but they are described in further detail in Logger's rdoc files.

Set this to daily, weekly, etc. - anything Logger supports
Set this to the size you want the log to rotate at (or set +rotate+ above)
Set this to how many logfiles you want to keep after rotating (or set +rotate+ above)
The path to your log folder. (Default: "%{rails_root}/log") -- see Interpolations section
This is the name of your logfile. (Use: "%{class_name}" to interpolate the class's name) (Default: "%{class_name}.log") -- see Interpolations section
Overrides :file & :path! If you include this setting, it will break the filename from the path and use those options.
This is the method your logger will be available to the class as. (Default: logger)
This can be any custom proc or method you want to assign. (See Logger's rdoc files for more details on this)
This is the log level


The following can be used in the path or in options.

Will replace itself with Rails.root when in a rails app
Will replace itself with the name of the class.

Example Usage

  # simple use case to override active records logger
  class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
    include ClassLogger

    def process! "Creating transation: #{amount}"  # => goes to RAILS_ROOT/log/transaction.log

  # custom logs for special models within rails
  # specifying a custom logfile and logger name
  class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
    include ClassLogger
    has_logger :file => 'gateway.log', :as => :gateway_logger

    def process! "Creating transation: #{amount}"  # => goes to RAILS_ROOT/log/gateway.log "Hello default logger!"                   # => goes to default rails logger

  # overriding active record's default logger with a custom logfile
  class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
    include ClassLogger
    has_logger :file => 'gateway.log'

    def process! "Creating transation: #{amount}"  # => goes to RAILS_ROOT/log/gateway.log

  # create a logger for a module
  module Something
    include ClassLogger
    has_logger :in => "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/log/my_module.log"
    has_logger :in => "/var/log/utoh.log", :as => :utoh_logger
  end "Testing 123" # => goes to ./log/my_module.log
  Something.utoh_logger.error "oops!" # => goes to /var/log/utoh.log

  # inside a class with a custom formatter
  class Something
    include ClassLogger
    has_logger :path => File.expand_path("../log", __FILE__), :rotate => :daily,
      :formatter => proc{ |severity, time, program_name, message| "[%s](Something): %s\n" % [severity, message] }

    def initialize
      logger.debug "Created Something." # => goes to ../log/something.log
  Something.loggers[:logger].debug "System logger" # alter entry point to logger


Adds custom logger(s) to any ruby module or class


Language:Ruby 100.0%