robfatland / greenandblack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

You are reading the meta-narrative of this repo. Use the links below to get to the 'how to do it' documentation.

This repo began as a Note To Self on simplifying format of the Bourne again shell bash: No colorized text, just green characters on a black background.

This page is the repository reference. To 'get to the point' you want to use one of the two links that follow:

  • the repo documentation branch gh-pages

  • the resulting compiled documents.

  • the scope of the repo has expanded, as scopes will

    • some expansion is notional or stubby, such as material on containers and using bash
  • this repo uses GitHub pages as a means of compiling content into documents

    • hence the gh-pages branch of the repo is where editable content resides
  • customizing bash and vi is focused on green-on-black, a simple prompt, and text editing

  • scope expanded to include

    • ssh tunnels from one machine to another
    • Difference: miniconda versus anaconda
    • Windows PC
      • Ubuntu bash
      • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL-2)
      • VSCode?
    • containers
    • conda environments

Related topics

  • quantum computing
  • API building and use
  • setting up a server using Flask
  • secure use of the cloud
  • natural language processing
  • command line interface to cloud
  • oceanography-driven data science tools
  • cloud spend notification
  • stopping runaway cloud spend automatically
  • topics in middle school math and coding


License:MIT License