robertpenner / statechart-designer

Visual designing/development tool for statecharts in JS (XState)

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comrobertpenner/statechart-designerRepository from Github https://github.comrobertpenner/statechart-designer


Statechart Designer

Statechart Designer aims to push statechart development in JS ahead.

Short term goals include:

  • build statecharts and export to xState
  • test and play around with a statechart
  • generate statechart visualizations from xState configurations
  • connect a live statechart to an application as devtools


See the Project board.

If you're a designer or developer interested in contributing/collaborating, shoot me an email or Twitter DM. Contact info is available on my Github profile.


The editor hacks upon the G6 Editor from Ant Design.

  • G6
    • great documentation and source code
  • G6 Editor
    • provides only limited documentation and no source code.


Visual designing/development tool for statecharts in JS (XState)


Language:TypeScript 91.5%Language:CSS 5.2%Language:HTML 3.3%