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Virtual Scroller Component in Vue.JS using vuetify

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Virtual Scroller in Vue.JS


Single file Vue component (.vue file) that will receive as a prop an array of strings called "items", the component will render a button that when clicked, will open a menu that will allow to scroll down the list of items you received as a prop.

  • The component will render the list in chunks of 20 items every time you scroll down to the end of the current list.
  • When the next 20 items render, the previous chunks is not be removed from the previuos rendered list.
  • When scrolled to the end of the list, the array should be rendered completely.
  • This components uses Vuetify, but without the vuetify component: 'v-virtual-scroll'.
  • The scroller do not use any external NPM library.


Virtual Scroller Preview

Benefits of Virtual Scrolling

How Virtual Scrolling Works


Virtual Scroller Component in Vue.JS using vuetify


Language:Vue 71.0%Language:JavaScript 15.6%Language:HTML 13.4%