robertodries92 / zgen-configuration

My personal zgen configuration (that may be used to get up and running quickly).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo contains my personal zgen configuration (that may be used to get up and running quickly).


  1. Clone the repo on your machine:
git clone --recursive ~/.zgen

(I use a .zgen folder in my homedir, but you can use any location you want really.)

  1. Create a symlink to the .zshrc file in the .zgen folder:
ln -s .zgen/.zshrc .zshrc
  1. Change your shell to zsh:
chsh -s /bin/zsh

Or if you installed zsh via Homebrew (which I really recommend since the brew verson is more recent than the one shipped with OSX):

chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh

(Please make sure the /usr/local/bin/zsh path is added to your /etc/shells file. Otherwise OSX will start complaining.)

That's it... Now zgen should generate its init.zsh file and get you up and running. If you want to verify the correct zsh installation is used (in case of the Homebrew version for example), you can execute this command to print the path to the current zsh executable:

echo $SHELL


  • Remember to run zgen update after making changes to your .zshrc file (if you want to add plugins / themes for example).
  • You may need to edit the PATH environment variable towards your setup.
  • If you create a ~/.zshrc.local file in your homedir, it's content (scripts) will be loaded as well. So you don't have to touch the .zshrc file per sĂ©.
  • My theme (Bullet Train) needs a "Powerline enabled font" to run as intended. If you use it without, no arrows / git icons will be shown. Some of the available fonts can be found in this repo.

Other useful links

If you use the zsh-history-substring-search plugin, you need to add this little script after the zgen configuration (or in your zshrc.local file if you have one) to make the arrow keys work:

# (Zsh) "zsh-history-substring-search" plugin
# -----------------------------------------------------
# => Key bindings (for UP and DOWN arrow keys)
zmodload zsh/terminfo
bindkey "$terminfo[kcuu1]" history-substring-search-up
bindkey "$terminfo[kcud1]" history-substring-search-down


My personal zgen configuration (that may be used to get up and running quickly).


Language:Shell 100.0%