robertmircea / md_to_conf

Markdown to Confluence import

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Markdown to Confluence Converter

A script to import a named markdown document into Confluence. It handles inline images as well as code blocks. Also there is support for some custom markdown tags for use with commonly used Confluence macros.

The file will be converted into HTML or Confluence storage markup when required. Then a page will be created in the space or if it already exists, the page will be uploaded.




Python should be installed with the following required modules:

  • requests
  • json
  • markdown
  • mimetypes
  • codecs
  • webbrowser
  • urllib
  • argparse

Instructions on installing Python and modules can be found here.

Environment Variables

To use it, you will need your Confluence username, password and organisation name. If you use Google Apps to sign in to Confluence, you can still have a username & password for your Confluence account. Just logout and follow the "Unable to access your account?" link from the sign in page, which lets you set a new password.

You will also need the organisation name that is used in the subdomain. For example the URL: would indicate an organsiation name of fawltytowers.

These can be specified at runtime or set as Confluence environment variables (eg add to your ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile on Mac OS):

export CONFLUENCE_ORGNAME='fawltytowers'

On Windows, this can be set via system properties.



The minimum accepted parameters are the markdown file to upload as well as the Confluence space key you wish to upload to. For the following examples assume 'Test Space' with key: TST.

python TST

Mandatory Confluence parameters can also be set here if not already set as environment variables:

  • -u --username: Confluence User
  • -p --password: Confluence Password
  • -o --orgname: Confluence Organisation
python TST -u basil -p abc123 -o fawltytowers

Use -h to view a list of all available options.

Other Uses

Use -a or --ancestor to designate the name of a page which the page should be created under.

python TST -a "Parent Page Name"

Use -d or --delete to delete the page instead of create it. Obviously this won't work if it doesn't already exist.

Use -n or --nossl to specify a non-SSL url, i.e. http:// instead of https://.


The original markdown to HTML conversion is performed by the Python markdown library. Additionally, the page name is taken from the first line of the markdown file, usually assumed to be the title. In the case of this document, the page would be called: Markdown to Confluence Converter.

Standard markdown syntax for images and code blocks will be automatically converted. The images are uploaded as attachments and the references updated in the HTML. The code blocks will be converted to the Confluence Code Block macro and also supports syntax highlighting.

Information, Note and Warning Macros

Warning: Any blockquotes used will implement an information macro. This could potentially harm your formatting.

Block quotes in Markdown are rendered as information macros.

> This is an info


> Note: This is a note


> Warning: This is a warning


Alternatively, using a custom Markdown syntax also works:

~?This is an info.?~

~!This is a note.!~

~%This is a warning.%~


Markdown to Confluence import

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%