robertlipe / ch32v307_GPIO_Toggle

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GPIO_Toggle example for CH32V307V-EVT-R1

This example is taken from repository.

The goal of this project is to compile binary file for CH32V307V-EVT-R1 eval board without using the MounRiver IDE.

  • Wiring

Plug a male to female wire from PA0 to LED1.

Step to build the binary file

  • Setup udev rules

Create a file named 98-ch549.rules in directory /etc/udev/rules.d/

Inside the file write:

ATTRS{idVendor}=="1a86", ATTRS{idProduct}=="8010", MODE="0666"

Save the file then execute:

 udevadm control --reload-rules
  • Download MounRiver MRS toolchain

In the current state, closed source MounRiver openocd version is needed to upload the binary file to the board. So download MRS_Toolchain_Linux_x64_V1.30.tar.xz and decompress in a directory.

Note: They are supposed to release the source code for their wch flash driver.

To compile toolchain from source:

 git clone
 cd  riscv-gnu-toolchain
 ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --enable-multilib
 sudo make -j N

where N is the number of processors.

At the end of .bashrc file add

export PATH=/opt/riscv/bin:$PATH
  • Compile the binary file In src folder

to compile GPIO_Toggle.bin file

  • Upload binary file

Execute in MRS_Toolchain_Linux_x64_V1.30/OpenOCD/bin

./openocd -f wch-riscv.cfg

For convenience copy GPIO_Toggle.bin in MRS_Toolchain_Linux_x64_V1.30/OpenOCD/bin.

In the same directory, open another terminal and execute

telnet localhost 4444

Inside telnet session at the prompt:



after type

flash write_image erase GPIO_Toggle.bin 0x08000000

Press reset button to execute the binary.


  • ARCH in the makefile is set to rv32imafc. ABI is set to ilp32f. May need modification. After analysing the 8 uarts demo application, CH32V307 add a custom instruction sets: xw and arch is rv32imacxw. I didn't found any documentation yet for this instructions. Instructions are defined in the file riscv-op. in binutils.

  • Compile optimization is set to -Os.



Language:C 96.3%Language:Assembly 3.5%Language:Makefile 0.2%