robbypond / spring-data

NixMash Spring : Spring JPA, Spring Social, MVC, Solr, Spring Security and Thymeleaf

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NixMash Spring

This project demonstrates Spring Data JPA, Spring Data Solr, Spring Web MVC, Spring Security and Thymeleaf. It accompanies blog posts at which are listed below in their accompanying implementation version. See the Installation section below on how to quickly configure application settings to run NixMash Spring.

A working demo of the site is online at

Home Page in  Release 0.3.1


Implementations listed in the Release History below are found in their corresponding branch, v0.0.1, v0.0.2, etc. Newer branches may not contain features found in prior versions.

##Release History##

##v0.3.2 -- Jsoup Play (In Progress)##

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##v0.3.1 -- SiteOptions Properties, GitHub Buttons, Google Analytics##

v0.3.1 GitHub Buttons

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##v0.3.0 -- Spring Boot 1.3.4, NavBar Submenus##

  • Bootstrap3 NavBar Submenus
  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 1.3.4, primarily to re-activate DevTools which had a bug in 1.3.3 stopping MySql services on app shutdown

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##v0.2.9 -- Site Administration Start, Profile Image Uploads, Email Services##

v0.2.9 Administration

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##v0.2.8 -- Spring Social##

v0.2.8 Social Sign-In Buttons

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##v0.2.7 -- Solr MVC##

Solr Search in v0.2.7

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##v0.2.6 -- Solr Query Samplings##

Solr Facet Query in v0.2.6

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##v0.2.5 -- Spring Boot 1.3##

  • Spring-Boot-1.3.0.RELEASE

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##v0.2.4 -- Multiple Solr Repository Configurations##

Four Solr Repository Options in v0.2.4

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##v0.2.3 -- Initial Solr Release##

Simple Solr Query results in v0.2.3

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##v0.2.2 -- Eclipse-Friendly NixMash Spring##

NixMash Spring in Eclipse Project Explorer for v0.2.2

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##v0.2.1 -- Spring MVC and JavaScript Samplings##

Bootstrap Multiselect Plugin in v0.2.1

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##v0.2.0 -- Spring Data JPA Auditing##

MySQL JPA Audit Data in v0.2.0

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##v0.1.9 -- More Child Object Handling in MVC and Thymeleaf##

Radio Button Child Hobby Objects in v0.1.9

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##v0.1.8 -- Child Object Processing (Phones), MVC Method Level Security##

Contact Phone Children in v0.1.8

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##v0.1.7 -- Full MySQL Support, WAR Deployment##

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##v0.1.6 -- Initial Release w/ Spring Security##

Registration form validation in v0.1.6

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##v0.1.5 -- Contact Add/Update Form, Dandelion Asset Bundling##

Using jQuery-UI with Dandelion in v0.1.5

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##v0.1.4 -- Contact Display, List and Search##

Bootstrap with All Contacts Display in Spring-Data MVC with Thymeleaf v0.1.4

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##v0.1.3 -- Initial release w/ Thymeleaf##

Spring-Data MVC with Thymeleaf in v0.1.3

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##v0.1.2 -- Multi-Module with JPA and MVC Modules##

Spring-Data Does MVC in v0.1.2

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##v0.1.1 -- @ManyToMany Hobbies added to Contact Model##

  • Addition of Hobbies, a @ManyToMany Entity with Contacts
  • Adding Hobbies dynamically on new and updated Contacts, and as separate process
  • Adding and removing Hobbies from Contact
  • ContactDTO with Set
  • Tests covering above Hobby processes
  • Post: Working with the Many in a JPA @ManyToMany

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##v0.1.0 -- @OneToMany Contact Phones added to Contact Model##

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##v0.0.9 -- Lazy Loading examples##

  • Several examples of Lazy Loading
  • First pass at creating schema DTO objects for use in updating and creating data
  • Modified database schema to better adhere to database relationship best practices. Updates are reflected in Entities.
  • Post: Approaches to JPA Lazy Loading

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##v0.0.8 -- Multi-database configuration w/ H2Console and MySQL##

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##v0.0.7 -- Multi-profile configuration##

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##v0.0.6 -- GUI Generated Entities and Diagram Examples##

Image of Spring Data JPA Output v0.0.6

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##v0.0.5 -- Hibernate and JPA Module structure##

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##v0.0.4 -- Initial Release with JPA##

  • Spring Data JPA Implementation
  • Dual SpringJPAConfiguration and SpringHbnConfiguration classes
  • Simultaneous use of both Spring Data JPA and Hibernate with Transaction Isolation
  • Updated MySQL Schema with additional data
  • Shared Model Entities between Hibernate and Spring Data JPA
  • Spring 4.0.6, Spring-Boot 1.1.4
  • Post: JPA Added to Spring Data GitHub App v0.0.4

Image of Spring Data JPA Output v0.0.4

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##v0.0.3 -- DAO Implementation##

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##v0.0.2 -- Using Spring Properties##

  • Populating DataSource connection from Property File
  • Using both @Value and @Autowired Environment properties
  • Annotations with @ImportResource of app-context.xml file
  • Custom SpringPropertiesUtil Class to retrieve overriden "username" System Property
  • Populating @Autowired PropertyClass class properties in @Configuration class and retrieving the properties in another class
  • Spring 4.0.6, Spring-Boot 1.1.4
  • Post: A Spring Property Handling Exercise
  • Post: Spring-Data Demo App v0.0.2 on GitHub

Image of Output v0.0.2

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##v0.0.1 -- Base Configuration in Spring and Hibernate##

  • Changed XML Spring Configuration to Annotations
  • Changed datasource from embedded H2 to MySql
  • Lazy Fetching
  • Named Queries
  • Logging Configuration
  • Gradle Build Configuration
  • Inserting data
  • Note: v0.0.1 was created with Spring Boot v1.1.4. Using v1.2.x generates a compile error regarding JPA Entity handling.
  • Post: New Spring-Data Demo on GitHub

Image of Output v0.0.1


The application supports an H2 Profile (default) and a MySQL Profile. To run JPA Console app use $gradle jpa:bootRun. To run MVC Web app use $gradle mvc:bootRun. The Tomcat Server Port is set for 9000 (set in the MVC file) so go to http://localhost:9000 to view the app in your browser.

##Installation - Database Configuration##

To use MySQL run setup.mysql script in the /install directory to populate the database. Update Datasource connection properties in /resources/META-INF/spring/ file. The H2 create-data script for the tests is located in /resources/db.

##Installation - External Property File Settings##

The JPA Project demonstrates using an external Property File. To Configure Location of Properties File, change the @PropertySource annotation setting in Jpa/ApplicationSettings.class. An example of is found in the /install/samples folder.

public class ApplicationSettings {

##Installation - Email Services##

The Mail Module contains the mail functionality. Like the JPA project above, an External file defines SMTP HostName and other mail server properties. That file pathname is defined in the Mail Module Class. An example of is found in the /install/samples folder.

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "mail")
public class MailSettings {

##Installation - Solr##

Configure Solr as normally on your development machine. Documents are included in /dev/solr/docs and scripts to populate the Solr Url and Embedded Servers located in /dev/solr. Script name: It contains additional installation instructions.

The Solr Project demonstrates both Embedded Solr and Http Solr ("dev" and "prod" Profiles respectively.) Configure these in an external file. Same configuration as and files discussed above. Set file location in Solr project common/ @PropertySource value.

##Installation - File Uploads##

You will need to create a physical /files storage area to upload Profile Images. On a WAR deployment (like at you could use Apache2 mod_proxy to support those physical locations. For development at http://localhosty:9000 you could create a soft-link to the /files location. See Profile Image Uploads: On Image File Storage for details on creating a soft-link. See Deploying Your Spring Boot WAR Application on adding a /files alias in Apache2.


Version 0.0.1 of the app was based on Chapter #7 of Pro Spring, Fourth Edition from Apress, "Using Hibernate." (An excellent book, btw.) Here is the book's listing on Apress. For Safari users, here is the online version of it on Safari.

The Generic DAO structure in Version 0.0.3 was based on Chapter #2 of Spring in Practice by Willie Wheeler and Joshua White, "Data persistence, ORM, and transactions." Here is the Chapter on Safari.

Multiple database JPA Configuration implemented in Version 0.0.8 based largely on the work of Gordon Dickens' Spring-Data-Demos "Profiles" project.

Several components related to Thymeleaf and Security in Version 0.1.x from Arnaldo Piccnelli's Enhanced Pet Clinic.

Petri Kainulainen’s excellent book Spring Data from Packt Publishing and accompanying source code was a reference for Model Attribute handling and feedback messaging in Version 0.1.5 as well as other features.

Two excellent source references for Spring Security which initially appeared in Version 0.1.6 were Rob Winch's gs-spring-security-3.2 something and Bartosz Kielczewski's example-spring-boot-security.

Petri Kainulainen also served as a great reference on Solr in Version 0.2.3. See his excellent Spring Data Solr Tutorial( on his blog. Another good reference on Solr was Christoph Strobl's spring-data-solr-examples on GitHub.

Spring Framework contributor Christoph Strobl's Spring Data Solr Showcase( served as the basis of Solr Autocomplete found in Version 0.2.7.

The Social Showcase for Spring Boot Sample Project was helpful in becoming oriented with Spring Social in Version 0.2.8. Petri Kainulainen remains my Go-To Spring Guru, here for Spring Social in his 4-Part Tutorial.

The Administrative Dashboard introduced in Version 0.2.9 is based on the Gentelella Bootstrap Dashboard on GitHub.


NixMash Spring : Spring JPA, Spring Social, MVC, Solr, Spring Security and Thymeleaf


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