robbymeals / activetm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ActiveT(opic)M(odeling) is a framework for building experiments to measure the effects of active learning on predictive topic models.


The Python code relies on ctypes to get reasonable computation speeds for sampling based methods. To compile the C code, make sure you have the following programs and libraries installed:

  • gcc
  • make
  • LAPACK development headers

Then run make in the ./activetm/tech/sampler directory.

To run the Python code, you will need to install the following modules:

It is possible to install these modules by running

pip install -r requirements.txt

in the ActiveTM directory.


Running the code requires a settings file to define the arguments and parameters used in a given run. Blank lines and comment lines are ignored. A comment line begins with #. Lines specifying settings take the form:


where [key] is the name of a setting, <WHITESPACE> is some whitespace character, excluding the newline character, and [val] is the value for [key]. Depending on certain settings, more settings may be required to be defined. To help users with these intricacies, a description follows of the [key]s available and/or expected and their valid [val]s.

Note also that there is an example settings file: example.settings.

Universally Required Settings

These settings are required for every run.

  • pickle takes a string which names the pickle file created for the data set

  • corpus takes one of two strings. One is a glob pattern specifying where the corpus can be found. Check the ankura.pipeline.read_glob documentation for further details of this use. The other is the path to a file containing documents all in one file. Check the ankura.pipeline.read_file for futher details of this use.

  • labels takes the path to a file containing the labels for the documents imported from corpus. It takes the form:


    where [id] is the identification of a given document according to ankura's import pipeline and [label] is some floating point number representing that document's label.

  • stopwords takes the path to a file containing stopwords to ignore during corpus import. The form of the file is merely one word per line.

  • rare takes an integer as the parameter to ankura.filter_rarewords.

  • common takes an integer as the parameter to ankura.filter_commonwords.

  • smalldoc takes an integer as the parameter to ankura.filter_smalldocs.

  • pregenerate takes any string value. When the value is YES, the import process will also invoke ankura.pregenerate_doc_tokens.

  • group takes a string value. This value is used to specify a subdirectory within an output directory (specified when a script gets called) where a file containing results of the run are written.

  • seed takes an integer value for seeding the random number generator used in the experiment.

  • select takes a string value specifying which selection method to use when deciding which documents to have labeled for the next training run. The string value options are keys of

  • testsize takes an integer value specifying the number of documents to use as a test set (for evaluating the learner).

  • startlabeled takes an integer value specifying the number of documents to include in the initial labeled set

  • endlabeled takes an integer value specifying the number of documents that will be in the labeled set on the final training run of the experiment.

  • increment takes an integer value specfiying the number of documents to add to the labeled set between training runs

  • candsize takes an integer value specifying the number of documents from the unlabeled set to consider during selection. Whereas increment specifies how many documents will be added to the labeled set between training runs, candsize specifies how many documents become candidates to become part of the labeled set.

  • deltas takes a string value specifying the path to file that lists a corpus name associated with its loss delta (for use in calculating generalized zero-one loss).

  • model takes a string value specifying the type of model to use for training. The options are the keys of models.FACTORY.

Model Specific Settings

Each model requires slightly different settings to be specified.

Settings for slda

This model is an implementation of supervised latent Dirichlet allocation, using Gibbs sampling to perform inference.

  • cseed takes an integer value for seeding the random number generator used for Gibbs sampling.
  • numtopics takes an integer value specifying the number of topics the model considers.
  • alpha takes a floating point value specifying the value of the hyper-parameter over the topic distributions of the documents, as a symmetric Dirichlet distribution.
  • beta takes a floating point value specifying the value of the hyper-parameter over the word distributions of the topics, as a symmetric Dirichlet distribution.
  • var takes a floating point value specifying the value of the variance hyper-parameter over the label distribution of the documents.
  • numtrain takes an integer value specifying the number of training chains to run Gibbs sampling on.
  • numsamples train takes an integer value specifying the number of states to keep from each training chain.
  • trainburn takes an integer value specifying the number of states to sample before saving the state. This burn value gets used only once per training chain, the first time it is trained.
  • trainlag takes an integer value specifying the number of states to sample between saved states.
  • numsamplespredict takes an integer value specifying the number of states to take per saved training states when running Gibbs sampling during prediction.
  • predictburn takes an integer value specifying the number of states to sample before saving the state for prediction.
  • predictlag takes an integer value specifying the number of states to sample between saved states for prediction.

Settings for *_anchor

These are implementations of anchor words.

  • ridge_anchor is supervised anchor words via ridge regression
  • semi_ridge_anchor is semisupervised anchor words via ridge regression
  • gp_anchor is supervised anchor words via Gaussian process regression
  • semi_gp_anchor is semisupervised anchor words via Gaussian process regression

These are the required settings for *_anchor:

  • numtopics takes an integer value specifying the number of topics the model considers.
  • numtrain takes an integer value specifying the number of anchor words instances to train during on training iteration.
  • expgrad_epsilon is the epsilon value used to check for convergence in the exponentiated gradient algorithm.

Deltas Text

In order to compute generalized zero-one loss, a margin of acceptable error is necessary. In order to support differing margins of error per corpus, you can specify a deltas text. Every line of this file has a corpus name (one of the subdirectories in the output directory) followed by whitespace followed by the margin of error.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 78.9%Language:C 21.0%Language:Makefile 0.1%