robbinparrish / minikube-docker-deployment

Minikube Docker deployment

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Minikube Docker Deployment.

Setup local k8s cluster in Docker using minikube for development or test purpose.


  • Linux System
  • Docker
  • wget, curl utilities

NOTE - Some steps requires super user permissions and access to docker daemon resources. If runs as non-root user then use sudo.


Create local k8s cluster.

The below command will download default required images from public registries, this may take some time depending on the network speed. If require then update the CPU and Memory.

  • minikube start --driver=docker --listen-address= --cpus 4 --memory 4096

Interacting with k8s cluster.

  • minikube status
  • minikube image ls --format table
  • kubectl cluster-info
  • kubectl get nodes -o wide
  • kubectl get pods -A
  • kubectl get svc -A
  • kubectl get deployment -A

Accessing the k8s dashboard.

Copy the URL from the below command output and use it to access the dashboard in the browser. Currently this is only available to access in the same VM.

  • minikube dashboard --url --port=43434

By default all services deployed in minikube will only be available to local system.

Deleting local k8s cluster.

This will purge the all setup configured by Minikube.

  • minikube delete --purge

Deploying nginx application using kubectl.

  • kubectl create deployment nginx-app --image=nginx
  • kubectl get deployment
  • kubectl expose deployment nginx-app --type=NodePort --port=80
  • kubectl get svc nginx-app
  • kubectl get pods -A
  • minikube service nginx-app --url

Deploying nginx application using helm chart.

Helm tool default uses Artifact Hub repository.

  • helm repo add bitnami
  • helm install nginx-helm-app bitnami/nginx
  • kubectl get deployment
  • kubectl get svc nginx-helm-app
  • kubectl get pods -A
  • minikube service nginx-helm-app --url

Documents links.