roadwy / windbg-extensions

Various extensions for WinDbg

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A WinDbg extension that supports open/close tracing for arbitrary objects. For example, it can be used to find memory leaks (memory that is allocated and not freed), socket leaks, and other kinds of unbalanced resources.

To use the extension, you need to place calls to the !traceopen and !traceclose commands in strategic locations. Most commonly you would do it using breakpoints. For example, you can trace heap allocation/free operations using the following two breakpoints:

.load tracer_x86.dll
bp ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap "r $t0 = poi(@esp+0n12); gu; !traceopen @eax @$t0; gc"
bp ntdll!RtlFreeHeap "!traceclose poi(@esp+0n12); gc"

The first breakpoint saves the allocation size, waits for RtlAllocateHeap to return, and then calls !traceopen with the allocated buffer as the first parameter and the size (weight) as the second parameter. The second breakpoint calls !traceclose with the address of the buffer being deallocated. As a result, the extension maintains statistics on all heap allocations that have not yet been freed, and allocation call stacks for each allocation.

The !traceclose -keepstack <object> command will keep the object and its call stacks in the internal cache even if the open-close delta is 0, i.e. the object has been freed/closed. This can be useful for certain tracing scenarios.

To perform analysis, you use the !tracedisplay <object> command. You give it an object and it displays call stacks for operations on that object. Alternatively, you can use the !tracedisplay -stats switch to see which call stacks are responsible for a large amount of outstanding objects. The output is sorted by weight in descending order:

0:000> !tracedisplay -stats
Total objects with events		: 0n1975
Total events with stack traces	: 0n3452

----- STACK #1 OPEN=0n14 CLOSE=0n0 OTHER=0n0 WEIGHT=0n3784592 -----
	mfc100u!operator new+0x33

----- STACK #2 OPEN=0n767 CLOSE=0n0 OTHER=0n0 WEIGHT=0n3497520 -----
	mfc100u!operator new+0x33

----- STACK #3 OPEN=0n769 CLOSE=0n0 OTHER=0n0 WEIGHT=0n2362368 -----
... snipped ...

Finally, the !traceoperation <name> <object> command supports additional operations other than open/close that you might want to trace, and the !traceclear commands clears the internal call stack cache maintained by the extension.


A WinDbg extension that invokes the Wait Chain Traversal API to display wait chain information for a particular thread or process, or all the processes and threads on the system.


.load wct_x86.dll
!wct_thread 1fa4

A PyKD script that enumerates the Windows heap and looks for C++ objects based on their vtable pointers. Anything that resembles a C++ object is then displayed. There are some command line options for filtering the output. The script relies on enumerating vtable symbols for all the DLLs loaded into the process, so it might take a while on the first run. You can use the -save and -load switches to save some time for multiple runs on the same process/dump.


.load pykd.pyd
.foreach (obj {!py -short -type myapp!employee}) { dt myapp!employee obj _salary }
!py -stat
!py -save dbginfo.sav
!py -stat -load dbginfo.sav

Prior to using this script, you must install PyKD.

A PyKD script that reconstructs broken call stacks (or dies while trying). This initial version attempts to determine which registers are broken -- stack pointer, base pointer, instruction pointer -- and performs reconstruction accordingly. If all the registers are corrupted, the script attempts to inspect the raw stack using StackLimit and StackBase information from the TEB.


!py bkb
!py bkb -reset
!py bkb -ignoremissingteb
!py bkb -rawbpwalk

The -reset switch will also set the SP/BP/IP values to the reconstructed results, so that you can continue your analysis with other WinDbg commands.

The -ignoremissingteb switch will let the script run even if it can't obtain the StackLimit and StackBase values from the TEB (e.g., in certain types of minidumps). If this switch is used, the script requires that one of SP/BP is valid, because there is no way to determine where the thread's stack lies otherwise.

The -rawbpwalk switch instructs the script to rely on manual stack-walking (EBP chain) instead of using the kb command in the debugger. There have been some situations where manual stack-walking succeeds where kb fails. This option is incompatible with x64.

Prior to using this script, you must install PyKD.


A WinDbg script that traverses std::map objects.


$$>a< traverse_map.script <map variable> [-c "cmd"]

where cmd can reference @$t9, e.g. "?? @$t9.second" (this is the pair held by the map) and can also reference @$t0, which is the actual tree node pointer.


$$>a< traverse_map.script my_map -c ".block { .echo ----; ?? @$t9.first; ?? @$t9.second; }"
$$>a< traverse_map.script m -c ".block { .if (@@(@$t9.first) == 8) { .echo ----; ?? @$t9.second } }"
$$>a< traverse_map.script my_map


A WinDbg script that traverses std::vector objects.


$$>a< traverse_vector.script <vector variable> ["cmd"]

where cmd can reference @$t0, which always points to the current vector element.


A command tree for WinDbg with a collection of handy user-mode and kernel-mode commands, including extensions from SOS for .NET applications.


.cmdtree cmdtree.txt


Various extensions for WinDbg

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C 38.8%Language:Python 36.4%Language:C++ 24.8%