roachsinai / md-img-paste.vim

paste image to markdown

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Yet simple tool to paste images into markdown files.

Use Case

You are editing a markdown file and have an image on the clipboard and want to paste it into the document as the text ![image_name](images_dir/image_name.png).

Instead of first copying it to that directory, you want to do it with a single key press in Vim. So you hooks, for example, <leader>p to a command MarkdownClipboardImage, which saves the image from the clipboard to images_dir/image_name.png, and inserts ![image_name](images_dir/image_name.png) into the file.

This plugin also provides commands MarkdownDeleteImage and GitAddWithImage. MarkDeleteImage will delete image saved by command MarkdownClipboardImage. All you need to do is put cursor on the line which has one image tag then run :MarkDeleteImage. :GitAddWithImage will add all images refered by current file and itself to stage.


Plug 'dbakker/vim-projectroot'
Plug 'roachsinai/md-img-paste.vim'

How it works

Project Root

The project root is the nearest ancestor directory of the current file which contains one of these directories or files: .svn, .git, .hg, .root or .project. If none of the parent directories contains these root markers, the directory of the current file is used as the project root. The root markers can also be configurated, see Project Root.

If your current project is not in any git or subversion repository, just put an empty .root file in your project root.

Images Root

Images root is about where to save the images and default value is identical to project root. It could be better when you set g:vimage_paste_config_file, it will be replaced by its default value .vimage_paste.json in following explanation. Directory of nearest ancestor .vimage_paste.json of the editing file is images root for this file.


Think about this situation: all your notes are saved to a directory named: Notes:

├── Listening
│   └── .vimage_paste.json
├── Reading
│   └── .vimage_paste.json
├── .root
├── Speaking
│   ├── Chinese
│   │   └── .vimage_paste.json
│   └── .vimage_paste.json
└── Writing

Porject root is Notes which has a blank file name .root and all .vimage_paste.json are blank files, too. Then when you editing a file under directory Listening, run command MarkdownClipboardImage will save image in clipboard to a directory (.images by default) under Listening directly, same with Reading, Speaking and Chinese. That means MarkdownClipboardImage will find the nearest ancestor .vimage_paste.json and save image under that directory.

If failed to find a .vimage_paste.json, like when editing file under directory Writing, image will save to .images under Notes, as there is a .root under Notes. Finally image will be saved to the directory same with editing file when Vim could find neither .vimage_paste.json and .root.

What's the name of that directory to save images?

Please use g:vimage_paste_directory_name which must be a non-empty list of string. When saving image from clipboard, this plugin will iterate each item in g:vimage_paste_directory_name to check whether already has a corresponding directory (same directory name with current item) under images root in order. Image will be save to the first hit directory and first item will be used if no hits.

Default value of g:vimage_paste_directory_name is ['.images', '.imgs', '.assets', 'images', 'imgs', 'assets', 'image', 'img', 'asset'].

What's the name of saved images?

Will ask you input image name, after run MarkdownClipboardImage. As image in clipboard has been saved, you could now use clipboard again.

One more global variable g:vimage_paste_how_insert_link default value if A, which means append ![image_name](images_dir/image_name.png) in the end of current line.

Setting is too short

let g:vimage_paste_directory_name = ['.images']
let g:vimage_paste_config_file = '.vimage_paste.json'
let g:vimage_paste_how_insert_link = 'A'
" <leader>[i]mage[i]nsert"
nnoremap <leader>ii :MarkdownClipboardImage<CR>
nnoremap <leader>id :MarkdownDeleteImage<CR>
" use <leader>ga to run command GitAddWithImage
let g:git_add_with_image_key = '<leader>ga'

For linux user

Install xclip first as this plugin gets clipboard content by running the xclip command.


I'm not yet perfect at writing vim plugins but I managed to do it. Thanks to Karl Yngve Lervåg and Rich for help on where they proposed a solution for my use case.

This project is forked from @ferrine 's md-img-paste.vim. Thanks a lot!


paste image to markdown


Language:Vim Script 96.2%Language:Shell 3.8%