roaatech / payfort-php

Payfort payment gateway integration library for PHP

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Payfort payment gateway integration library for PHP

1 Setup

1.1 Automatically using composer

Just require it composer require itvisionsy/payfort-php.

1.2 Manually using Composer

You will need to add the ItvisionSy\Payment\PayFort\ as a PSR-4 namespace pointing to the path of the library root, and the autoload.php file at the files section. Let us say you have the following structure:

-/              <= Project root
  - Libraries/
    - PayFort/  <= This is the payment library
  composer.json <= The composer.json config file

In the composer.json file, you need to have the following definition:

  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "ItvisionSy\\Payment\\PayFort\\": "Libraries/PayFort/src/"
    "files": [

1.3 Manually using Autoload.php

You will need to require the autoload.php file before using the library.

2 Configuration

You can configure the payment in one of following ways:

  1. Create a file called payfort_config.php in the server root. This file should return an array of configuration. Following is a sample of the file content.
    <?php return [
        'sandbox' => true,
        'merchant_identifier' => 'payfort_merchant_identifier_string',
        'access_code' => 'payfort_merchant_access_code_here',
        'language' => \ItvisionSy\Payment\PayFort\Config::LANG_EN,
        'sha_type' => \ItvisionSy\Payment\PayFort\Config::SHA_TYPE_SHA256,
        'sha_request_phrase' => 'request_phrase_here',
        'sha_response_phrase' => 'response_phrase_here',
        'response_url_tokenization' => 'http://your_redirect_back_url_to_receive_tokenization_result',
        'response_url_purchase' => 'http://your_redirect_back_url_to_receive_purchase_result',
        'response_url_authorization' => 'http://your_redirect_back_url_to_receive_authorize_result',
        'send_as_normal_http_post' => true,
        'model_loader' => $your_model_loader_callable
  2. Before using any function or method of the payment, use the public static method ItvisionSy\Payment\PayFort\Config::setDefaultConfig() and pass an array of the config values. Following is a sample of the usage of this method:
        'sandbox' => true,
        'merchant_identifier' => 'payfort_merchant_identifier_string',
        'access_code' => 'payfort_merchant_access_code_here',
        'language' => \ItvisionSy\Payment\PayFort\Config::LANG_EN,
        'sha_type' => \ItvisionSy\Payment\PayFort\Config::SHA_TYPE_SHA256,
        'sha_request_phrase' => 'request_phrase_here',
        'sha_response_phrase' => 'response_phrase_here',
        'response_url_tokenization' => 'http://your_redirect_back_url_to_receive_tokenization_result',
        'response_url_purchase' => 'http://your_redirect_back_url_to_receive_purchase_result',
        'response_url_authorization' => 'http://your_redirect_back_url_to_receive_authorize_result',
        'send_as_normal_http_post' => true,
        'model_loader' => $your_model_loader_callable
  3. You can manually initiate a config object and store it in the $GLOBALS array as payfort_config. Following is a sample of this method:
    $GLOBALS['payfort_config'] = \ItvisionSy\Payment\PayFort\Config::make()
  4. You can define a public helper function called payfort_config which will always return an object of \ItvisionSy\Payment\PayFort\Config. This is an example:
    function payfort_config(){
        return \ItvisionSy\Payment\PayFort\Config::make()

3 Usage

3.1 Understand the logic flow

PayFort has two main types of operations: token-based and id-based.

  • Token-based operations are AUTHORIZE and PURCHASE, which are the ones used to charge credit cards. On success, they return a fort_id string, which is used in id-based operations.
  • id-based operations are mainly any operation to alter, finish, enquire, or cancel an token-based operation. They are CAPTURE a full or part amount of AUTHORIZE operation, or VOID it. REFUND any captured amount. And other maintenance operations.

Token based operations need a token to be generated for specific credit card info. To do this, a full HTTP POST request to be send to PayFort contains the credit card information along side the merchant identification. If succeeded, it will return a token string for this credit card. This token can be used again in later operations for the same user. After that, all the remaining operations are normal HTTP API-call operations, unless there is 3rd party security check, which will require a redirect cycle. Both PURCHASE and AUTHORIZE operations require a token to be used. If you already have a token generated for a user's credit card, you can bypass the tokenization cycle and jump directly to purchase process.

3.2 How to use

There are two approaches:

  1. Extend the required operation's abstract class and implement the succeeded/failed functions.
  2. Call the required operation's implementation and pass the succeeded/failed callables.


All issued under (MIT license)[LICENSE]


JetBrains for the all-product license for open source projects.


Payfort payment gateway integration library for PHP

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%