rnproj / react-native-socketio

Not Maintained! A React Native wrapper for both the Swift and Java Socket.Io clients.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A React Native wrapper for the Socket.io Library

Please note that this hasn't been maintained for ages. If someone would like to bring back upto speed, let me know. -Greg

This project was forked from Kirkness' React Native Swift Socket.Io project found here

Note: We are working on the following items:

  • Reviewing Pull requests and seeing if they are pertinent.
  • Making the project compatible with RN .33
  • Making the project XCode 8 compatible.
  • Upgrading to Swift 2.3
  • Creating a simple test project

This project now supports both iOS and Android using the same JS calls.


Kirkness added a super simple example app to /examples, copy and paste to your index.ios.js.

 * Pass in an optional config obj, this can include most of the
 * standard props supported by the swift library
var socketConfig = { path: '/socket' };
var socket = new SocketIO('localhost:3000', socketConfig);

// Connect!

// An event to be fired on connection to socket
socket.on('connect', () => {
    console.log('Wahey -> connected!');

// Event called when 'someEvent' it emitted by server
socket.on('someEvent', (data) => {
    console.log('Some event was called, check out this data: ', data);

// Called when anything is emitted by the server
socket.onAny((event) => {
    console.log(`${event.name} was called with data: `, event.items);

// Manually join namespace. Ex: namespace is now partyRoom

// Leave namespace, back to '/'

// Emit an event to server
socket.emit('helloWorld', {some: 'data'});

//Disconnect from server

// Reconnect to a closed socket


Requires: host - example: 'localhost:3000'

Optional: config - JSON object comprising any of the options listed below.


  • Please note that the Android version does not support all of these options yet. It's very much a work in progress.
  • connectParams: Any Object - Any data to be sent with the connection.
  • reconnects: Boolean Default is true
  • reconnectAttempts: Int Default is -1 (infinite tries)
  • reconnectWait: Number Default is 10
  • forcePolling: Boolean Default is false. true forces the client to use xhr-polling.
  • forceWebsockets: Boolean Default is false. true forces the client to use WebSockets.
  • nsp: String Default is "/". Connects to a namespace.
  • log: Bool If true socket will log debug messages. Default is false.
  • path: String - If the server uses a custom path. ex: "/swift". Default is ""

Not supported yet but easy enough to implement.

  • cookies: [NSHTTPCookie]? An array of NSHTTPCookies. Passed during the handshake. Default is nil.
  • sessionDelegate: NSURLSessionDelegate Sets an NSURLSessionDelegate for the underlying engine. Useful if you need to handle self-signed certs. Default is nil.


  • connect - Connect to socket
  • on - Add event handler to socket
    • @param - String - event name
    • @param - Function - callback
  • onAny - Add event handler to any event
    • @param - Function - callback
  • emit - Emit an event to server
    • @param - String - Event name
    • @param - Anything - Data to be sent
  • disconnect - Close the connection
  • reconnect - Reconnect to a closed connection
  • joinNamespace - Manually join namespace
    • @param - String - Namespace
  • leaveNamespace - Leave namespace, back to '/'

Known issues

  • Would rather this in an xcode framework but run into non-modular header issue.
  • Android needs more configuration option support.
  • Both implementations need unit testing.


  • Run in your project:
$ npm install react-native-socketio


  • Note as of May 19, 2016 that the path to the ios components has been moved from root to the /ios folder.
  • Open up your project in xcode and right click the package.
  • Click Add files to 'Your project name'
  • Navigate to /node_modules/react-native-socketio/ios/RNSwiftSocketIO
  • Click 'Add'
  • Click your project in the navigator on the left and go to build settings
  • Search for Objective-C Bridging Header
  • Double click on the empty column
  • Enter ../node_modules/react-native-socketio/ios/RNSwiftSocketIO/SocketBridge.h
  • Search for Header Search Paths
  • Double Click on the column (likely has other search paths in it already)
  • Enter this text at the bottom of the column $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-socketio/ios/RNSwiftSocketIO


  1. In android/setting.gradle

    include ':SocketIo'
    project(':SocketIo').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-socketio/android')
  2. In android/app/build.gradle

    dependencies {
        compile project(':SocketIo')
  3. Register module (in MainActivity.java)

    import com.gcrabtree.rctsocketio.SocketIoPackage;  // <--- import
    public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {
      protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
        return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
          new MainReactPackage(),
          new VectorIconsPackage(),
          new OrientationPackage(this),
          new SocketIoPackage()   // <--- Add here!


Not Maintained! A React Native wrapper for both the Swift and Java Socket.Io clients.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 87.8%Language:Java 10.6%Language:JavaScript 1.1%Language:Objective-C 0.5%