rnkit / rnkit-actionsheet-picker

React Native ActionSheetPicker component for iOS + Android

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The best DatePicker and DataPicker for React Native.

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Getting Started

First, cd to your RN project directory, and install RNMK through rnpm . If you don't have rnpm, you can install RNMK from npm with the command npm i -S rnkit-actionsheet-picker and link it manually (see below).


  • ####React Native < 0.29 (Using rnpm)

    rnpm install rnkit-actionsheet-picker

  • ####React Native >= 0.29 $npm install -S rnkit-actionsheet-picker

    $react-native link rnkit-actionsheet-picker


  1. Add node_modules/rnkit-actionsheet-picker/ios/RNKitASPickerView.xcodeproj to your xcode project, usually under the Libraries group
  2. Add libRNKitASPickerView.a (from Products under RNKitASPickerView.xcodeproj) to build target's Linked Frameworks and Libraries list


  • ####React Native < 0.29 (Using rnpm)

    rnpm install rnkit-actionsheet-picker

  • ####React Native >= 0.29 $npm install -S rnkit-actionsheet-picker

    $react-native link rnkit-actionsheet-picker


  1. JDK 7+ is required
  2. Add the following snippet to your android/settings.gradle:
include ':rnkit-actionsheet-picker'
project(':rnkit-actionsheet-picker').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/rnkit-actionsheet-picker/android/app')
  1. Declare the dependency in your android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
    compile project(':rnkit-actionsheet-picker')
  1. Import import io.rnkit.actionsheetpicker.ASPickerViewPackage; and register it in your MainActivity (or equivalent, RN >= 0.32 MainApplication.java):
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    return Arrays.asList(
            new MainReactPackage(),
            new ASPickerViewPackage()

Finally, you're good to go, feel free to require rnkit-actionsheet-picker in your JS files.

Have fun! 🤘

Basic Usage

Import library

import { DatePicker, DataPicker } from 'rnkit-actionsheet-picker';


      onPickerConfirm: (selectedDate) => {
          date: selectedDate
      onPickerCancel: () => {
        console.log('date picker canceled');
      onPickerDidSelect: (selectedDate) => {


Key Type Default Description
titleText string '选择时间'
titleTextColor string '#393939'
doneText string '确定'
doneTextColor string '#269ff7'
cancelText string '选择时间'
cancelTextColor string '#269ff7'
minimumDate string '1900-01-01 00:00:00'
maximumDate string '2222-12-12 23:59:59'
selectedDate string
datePickerMode string 'datetime' time、date、datetime
onPickerConfirm Fun return selectedDate
onPickerCancel Fun
onPickerDidSelect Fun iOS only


      // dataSource: ["男", "女"],
      // dataSource: [{"北京": ["123123", "ssssss"]}, {"广东省": ["深圳"]}],
      // dataSource: [{"北京": [{"北京x": ["123123", "ssssss"]}, {"北京xasdfasdf": ["123123", "ssssss"]}]},{"广东省": [{"深圳": ["福田区", "宝安区"]}]}],
      dataSource: require('./area.json'),
      defaultSelected: ["广东", '深圳市', '福田区'],
      numberOfComponents: 3,
      onPickerConfirm: (selectedData, selectedIndex) => {
        console.log(selectedData, selectedIndex);
          data: JSON.stringify(selectedData) + ' -- ' + JSON.stringify(selectedIndex)
      onPickerCancel: () => {
        console.log('data picker canceled');
      onPickerDidSelect: (selectedData, selectedIndex) => {
        console.log(selectedData, selectedIndex);


Key Type Default Description
titleText string '选择时间'
titleTextColor string '#393939'
doneText string '确定'
doneTextColor string '#269ff7'
cancelText string '选择时间'
cancelTextColor string '#269ff7'
yearText string '年' android only
monthText string '月' android only
dayText string '日' android only
hoursText string '时' android only
minutesText string '分' android only
secondsText string '秒' android only
wheelBgColor string '滚轮背景颜色' android only
titleBgColor string '标题栏背景颜色'android only
doneCancelSize int 17 '确定取消按钮大小'android only
titleSize int 18 '标题文字大小'android only
contentSize int 18 '内容文字大小'android only
cancelEnabel boolean true '是否能取消'android only
isCenterLable boolean true '是否只显示中间的label'android only
outTextColor string '分割线以外的文字颜色'android only
centerTextColor string '分割线之间的文字颜色'android only
dividerColor string '分割线的颜色'android only
shadeBgColor string '遮罩层背景色'android only
lineSpacingMultiplier float 1.6f '条目间距倍数'android only
dividerType string '分割线类型:fill or wrap'android only
isCyclic boolean false '滚轮是否循环' android only
numberOfComponents int 1
dataSource array
defaultSelected array
onPickerConfirm Fun return selectedData、selectedIndex
onPickerCancel Fun
onPickerDidSelect Fun selectedData、selectedIndex (iOS only)



@saiwu-bigkoo - Android-PickerView 仿iOS的PickerView控件,有时间选择和选项选择并支持一二三级联动效果 @skywinder - ActionSheetPicker-3.0 Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality on iOS.


Feel free to contact me or create an issue

made with ♥


React Native ActionSheetPicker component for iOS + Android

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 66.7%Language:Java 26.1%Language:JavaScript 6.2%Language:Python 1.0%