rn4391 / psd_tneu

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Change the values in the config.js file from your ImageKit account. The white canvas file can be downloaded from this URL https://ik.imagekit.io/ikmedia/white-canvas.jpeg?tr=orig-true and placed in your own ImageKit Media Library at the root. Get the file URL of this white canvas file from your account and update it in the config against CANVAS_FILE property without any other query or transformation parameters.

Setting up fonts

All fonts that are used in your PSD files should be uploaded to a specific folder in your ImageKit Media Library. This folder name is controlled by FONT_DIR in fonts.js. Fonts need to be manually uploaded once to this folder you specify here as they are not uploaded as a part of PSD parsing.

Once fonts are uploaded, you need to add their exact names in FONTS_INSTALLED map in fonts.js file. Only when you add a font installed here, will it get used in PSD parsing. Otherwise, ImageKit will default to the font specified against DEFAULT_FONT.

The font name that you upload in the designated folder in ImageKit media library should exactly match the font name used in the PSD file. Otherwise ImageKit has no way of knowing if the font in the PSD is the same as the font uploaded to the media library. To work around this and handle cases where the same font might be referenced with different names in different PSD file, a new field FONT_NAME_ALIASES has been introduced. In this object the key is the name of the font as it appears in the the PSD file, and the value is the name of the actual font file uploaded in your media library and is mentioned in FONTS_INSTALLED

Sample Commands

Parse PSD to Transformed URL and also upload any images found in the PSD file for the layers URL to work

node newparser.js --file=<psdfilepath.psd> --upload-files=true

Parse PSD to Transformed URL without uploading files again

node newparser.js --file=<psdfilepath.psd>

Parse PSD and get only JSON output for the transforms

node newparser.js --file=<psdfilepath.psd> --output=json

Parse PSD and get only the font names used in the PSD file

This is helpful in correcting your fonts config

node newparser.js --file=<psdfilepath.psd> --output=fonts

Provide transform string and get a JSON output from it

node newparser.js --mode=transformToJSON --transform=<transformation_string>

To Run in browser

  1. Run npm install to install webpack, js-base64 etc.
  2. Run npm run build to create the bundled JS file that loads in the browser.
  3. Start any local server in this folder like python3 -m http.server 9000. Access https://localhost:9000/browser_psd_parser.html to get PSD parsing and browser_transform_parser.html for transform string to JSON conversion.
  4. The bundled JS file returns both the layers and the output URL when used for PSD parsing. It is up to you which one to use.
  5. If you make any change to the JS files, re-run npm run build.
  6. Sample implementation of how these functions - PSD parsing to URL and layers, and transformation string to layers - can be seen in respective html files.



Language:JavaScript 90.6%Language:HTML 9.4%