rmtsukuru / cwdg-website

Our Club's New Website with Ruby on Rails

Home Page:http://cwdgosu.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#<CWDG /> Website

Build Status


This is our latest web application for our group in order for us to manage our group better an automate certain tasks that I am terrible at doing. But yet still can't answer emails for me.


###Technologies Used:

###Run this application

This application runs Postgresql both locally and on Heroku. Please have this setup before you continue on.

I also have config/database.yml gitignored since everyone's machine is different. Make sure you add this to your project before running!

cp config/database-example.yml config/database.yml

Once you have that installed you can run:

bundle install

rake db:create
rake db:migrate

rails server

The app runs on port 3000, we use dotenv, please contact @tarebyte to get this. We have two different Oauth keys, one for production and one for development.

###Boxen Configuration

I'm probably the only person that uses Boxen, but if you do use it, this is the configuration file I use.

# module/projects/manifests/cwdg.pp

class projects::cwdg {

  boxen::project { "cwdg-website":
    ruby       => '2.1.1',
    postgresql => true,
    nginx      => true,
    source     => "CWDG/cwdg-website",
    dir        => "${boxen::config::srcdir}/CWDG/cwdg-website"


This is meant to be an application that our group should enjoy and contribute to. Please feel free to fork this project and make changes that you would like to see.

If you are not sure how to implement something, but would like to see it just make a pull feature pull request on this repo or talk to one of us during the meeting. We'll always be more than happy to help.


Our Club's New Website with Ruby on Rails


License:MIT License