rmrantunes / scripted-chat

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Scripted Chat

A simple code for defining scripted chat using Javascript


yarn add scripted-chat


npm i scripted-chat


No stable version yet. You may face some breaking changes between versions in a relatively small space of time.

Get Started

import { ScriptedChatState } from 'scripted-chat'

const scriptControls = new ScriptedChatState(config)

Before moving on to the config object and the other ScriptedChatState methods, learn the basics of Step and Script.


const step = {
  id: 'start',
  message: 'Hi, this is my first message. How are you?',
  next: 'user_name',
  input: 'text',
  • id: step identifier
  • message: message defined for user interaction
  • next: next step id.
    • Required: start and end
  • input: input types
    • text, email, number, date


Is the combination of steps

const script = [
    id: 'start',
    message: 'Hi, this is my first message. How are you?',
    next: 'user_name',
    input: 'text',
    id: 'user_name',
    message: "What's your name?",
    next: 'end',
    input: 'text',
    id: 'end',
    message: 'Nice to meet you!',
    next: '',
    input: '',

Basic config

The most important basic thing about the config is defining the chat steps. You can see other methods later down.

import { ScriptedChatState } from 'scripted-chat'

const script = [
  /** steps */

const scriptControls = new ScriptedChatState({

Script Controls

  • currentStep: current step object

  • script: array of steps

  • results: an array containing previous results

  • getStep: (id: string) => Step: get a certain step by id

  • getNextStep: () => Step: get the next step object

  • setStep: (id: string) => Step: set a new currentStep

    • In current version, hooks do not work with this method yet
  • reset:() => void: reset results and currentStep

  • validateAndProceed: (currentStepValues: any[]) => Promise<void>: pass an array of values (user input) to proceed with your script

  • replaceMessageValuesVariables: (message: string) => string : Already implemented inside validateAndProceed. Replace message variables with previous results values. (See more about variables in Advanced section)

  • setCustomVariable: (key: string, value: string) => void: set your custom variables throughout the process. (See more about variables in Advanced section)



You can interpolate user input values inside next step messages using {{step_id}}

const script = [
    id: 'start',
    message: 'Hi, this is my first message. How are you?',
    next: 'user_name',
    input: 'text',
    id: 'user_name',
    message: "What's your name?",
    next: 'end',
    input: 'text',
    id: 'end',
    message: 'Nice to meet you, {{user_name}}!',
    next: '',
    input: '',


beforeProceed: (event: HookEvent) => boolean | Promise<boolean>

Use this hook to validade a user input returning a boolean. If there's no checking, just return true.

const script = [
    id: 'start',
    message: 'Hi, this is my first message. How are you?',
    next: 'user_name',
    input: 'text',
    id: 'user_name',
    message: "What's your name?",
    next: 'end',
    input: 'text',
    beforeProceed(event) {
      const { values } = event.result
      return !!values[0]?.length
    id: 'end',
    message: 'Nice to meet you, {{user_name}}!',
    next: '',
    input: '',

afterProceed: (event: HookEvent) => void | Promise<void>

You can't validate using this hook, but you still can keep track on step change.

HookEvent object

type HookEvent = {
  currentStep: Step
  nextStep: Step | null
  result: Result
  results: Result[]

type Result = {
  step: string
  values: (string | undefined)[]
  • currentStep: current step object
  • nextStep: next step object
  • result: current step user input result
  • results: an array containing previous results



Language:JavaScript 55.1%Language:TypeScript 37.9%Language:HTML 3.6%Language:CSS 3.3%