rmcelreath / cmdstan_map_rect_tutorial

Beginner tutorial for using cmdstan with multithreading

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Multithreading and Map-Reduce in Stan 2.18.0: A Minimal Example

v1 - Richard McElreath - 19 Sep 2018


In version 2.18.0, Stan can now use parallel subthreads to speed computation of log-probabilities. So while the Markov chain samples are still necessarily serial, running on a single core, the math library calculations needed to compute the samples can be parallelized across different cores. If the data can be split into pieces ("shards"), then this can produce tremendous speed improvements on the right hardware.

The benefits are not automatic however. You'll have to modify your Stan models first. You might also have to do a little bit of compiler configuration. Finally, the 2.18.0 is only available for cmdstan, the command line version of Stan, at this moment. It should be available for rstan and other interfaces soon. So if you haven't used cmdstan before, you'll need to adjust your workflow a little.

Here I present a minimal example of modifying a Stan model to take advantage of multithreading. I also show the basic workflow for using cmdstan, in case you are used to rstan.


The general approach to modifying a Stan model for multithreading has three steps.

(1) You must repack the data and parameters into slices, known as "shards". This looks weird the first time you do it, but it really is just repacking. Nothing fancy is going on.

(2) You must rewrite the model to use a special function to compute the log-probability for each slice ("shard") of the data. Then in model block, you use a function called map_rect to call this function and pass it all the shards.

(3) Configure your compiler to enable multithreading. Then you can compile and sample as usual.

In the rest of this tutorial, I'll build up a simple first without multithreading. This will serve to clarify the changes and show you how to work with cmdstan, if you haven't before. Then I'll modify the data and model to get multithreading to work.

If you use Windows, it looks like multithreading isn't working yet (see https://github.com/stan-dev/math/wiki/Threading-Support). So flip over to a Linux partition, if you have one. If you don't, hope is that an upcoming update to RTools will make things work.

Prepping the data

Let's consider a simple logistic regression, just so the model doesn't get in the way. We'll use a reasonably big data table, the football red card data set from the recent crowdsourced data analysis project (https://psyarxiv.com/qkwst/). This data table contains 146,028 player-referee dyads. For each dyad, the table records the total number of red cards the referee assigned to the player over the observed number of games.

The RedcardData.csv file is provided in the repository here. Load the data in R, and let's take a look at the distribution of red cards:

d <- read.csv( "RedcardData.csv" , stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
table( d$redCards )
     0      1      2 
144219   1784     25

The vast majority of dyads have zero red cards. Only 25 dyads show 2 red cards. These counts are our inference target.

The motivating hypothesis behind these data is that referees are biased against darker skinned players. So we're going to try to predict these counts using the skin color ratings of each player. Not all players actually received skin color ratings in these data, so let's reduce down to dyads with ratings:

d2 <- d[ !is.na(d$rater1) , ]
out_data <- list( n_redcards=d2$redCards , n_games=d2$games , rating=d2$rater1 )
out_data$N <- nrow(d2)

This leaves us with 124,621 dyads to predict.

At this point, you are thinking: "But there are repeat observations on players and referees! You need some cluster variables in there in order to build a proper multilevel model!" You are right. But let's start simple. Keep your partial pooling on idle for the moment.

Now to use these data with cmdstan, we need to export the table to a file that cmdstan can read in. This is made easy:

stan_rdump(ls(out_data), "redcard_input.R", envir = list2env(out_data))

Making the model

A Stan model for this problem is just a simple logistic (binomial) GLM. I'll assume you know Stan well enough already that I can just plop the code down here. It's contained in the logistic0.stan file in the repository. It's not a complex model:

data {
  int N;
  int n_redcards[N];
  int n_games[N];
  real rating[N];
parameters {
  vector[2] beta;
model {
  beta ~ normal(0,1);
  n_redcards ~ binomial_logit( n_games , beta[1] + beta[2] * to_vector(rating) );

If you were going to run this model in rstan, you'd enter now:

m0 <- stan( file="logistic0.stan" , data=out_data , chains=1 )

But we're going to instead build and run this in cmdstan.

Installing and Building cmdstan

You'll need to download the 2.18.0 cmdstan tarball from here: https://github.com/stan-dev/cmdstan/releases/tag/v2.18.0. Also grab the 2.18.0 user's guide while you are at it. It has a nice new section on this topic.

If you are used to unix and to make workflows, you can expand the thing and build it now. But if you are not, don't worry. I'm here to help. Many of my colleagues are very capable scientists who have never done much work in a unix shell. So I know even highly technical people who need some basic help here. I am going to assume, however, that you aren't using Windows. Because if you are, you can install and use cmdstan fine, but the multithreading won't work (yet).

Begin by putting the cmdstan-2.18.0.tar.gz file wherever you want cmdstan to live. You can move it later. Then open a terminal and navigate to that folder. Decompress with:

tar -xzf cmdstan-2.18.0.tar.gz

Enter the new cmdstan-2.18.0 folder and build with:

make build

Your compiler will toil for a bit and then signal its satisfaction.

Building and Running the Basic Model in cmdstan

Make a new folder called redcard inside your cmdstan-2.18.0 folder and drop the redcard_input.R and logistic0.stan files in it. To build the Stan model, while still in the cmdstan-2.18.0 folder, enter:

make redcards/logistic0

Again, compiler toil. Satsifaction. To sample from the model:

cd redcard
time ./logistic0 sample data file=redcard_input.R

I added the time command to the front so that we get a processor time report at the end. We'll want to compare this time to the time you get later, after you enable multithreading. On my machine, I get:

real    2m22.694s
user    2m22.369s
sys     0m0.247s

The first line is the "real" time, the one you probably care about for benchmarking.

By default, the output file is called output.csv. You'll want to go back into R to analyze it. Just open R in the same folder and enter:

m0 <- read_stan_csv("output.csv")

Now you can proceed as usual to work with the samples.

Rewriting the Model to Enable Multithreading

The first thing to do in order to get multithreading to work is to rewrite model. Our rewrite needs to accomplish two things.

First, it needs to restructure the data into multiple "shards" of the same length. Each shard can be sent off into its own thread. The right number of shards depends upon your data, model, and hardware. You could make each dyad, in our example, into a shard. That would be pretty inefficient however, because vectorizing the calculation is usually beneficial, and you probably don't have enough processor cores to handle that many parallel threads at once. At the other end, two shards is better than one, and three is nearly always better than two. At some point, we reach an optimal number that trades off efficiencies within each shard with the ability to have parallel calculations.

Second, it needs to use Stan's new map_rect function to update the log-probability. This will mean moving the log-probability calculation to a special function and then calling that function in the model block using map_rect.

We'll take on each of these in turn.

Making Shards

In this example, I am going to make 7 shards of equal size. I didn't find this number by any reasoning. It is just that we have 124,621 dyads, and that divides nicely by 7 into 17,803 dyads per shard. So 7 shards of 17,803 dyads each.

You'll want to do the splitting into shards in the transformed data block of your Stan model. I've built a modified version of logistic0.stan and named it, creatively, logistic1.stan. It's in the repository. Here is its transformed data block:

transformed data {
  // 7 shards
  // M = N/7 = 124621/7 = 17803
  int n_shards = 7;
  int M = N/n_shards;
  int xi[n_shards, 2*M];  // 2M because two variables, and they get stacked in array
  real xr[n_shards, M];
  // an empty set of per-shard parameters
  vector[0] theta[n_shards];
  // split into shards
  for ( i in 1:n_shards ) {
    int j = 1 + (i-1)*M;
    int k = i*M;
    xi[i,1:M] = n_redcards[ j:k ];
    xi[i,(M+1):(2*M)] = n_games[ j:k ];
    xr[i] = rating[ j:k ];

The way that shards work is that we have to pack all of the variables particular to each shard into three arrays: an array of integer data, an array of real (continuous) data, and an array of parameters. I'm going to call the array of integers xi, the array of reals xr, and the array of parameters theta.

First, consider the array of reals, xr. It's the simplest. We need to pack into this the rating values. So we define:

real xr[n_shards, M];

The value M is just the number of dyads per shard. Then in the loop at the bottom of the block, we pack in the rating values from each shard, iterating over the indexes.

The array of integers is slightly harder. We have two integer variables to pack in: n_redcards and n_games. But these need to be stacked together in a single vector. The code above defines therefore:

int xi[n_shards, 2*M];

Each row of xi is twice as long as xr, because we need two variables. These get packed in the loop at the bottom. We will unpack them later.

The array of parameters works the same way. But in this example, it is super easy. There are no parameters special to each shard, because the parameters are global (no varying effects, for example). So we can just define a zero-length array for each shard:

vector[0] theta[n_shards];

If there were actually parameters to pack in here, we'd define them in either the parameters or transformed parameters block.

Hopefully that explains the shard construction. Your data will need their own packing, but the principles are the same.

Using map_rect

In the new model, we replace the model block with:

model {
  beta ~ normal(0,1);
  target += sum( map_rect( lp_reduce , beta , theta , xr , xi ) );

Gone is the call to binomial_logit. Instead we call map_rect and give it five arguments:

(1) lp_reduce: This is name of our new function (we'll write it soon) that computes the log-probability of the data.

(2) beta: This is a vector of global parameters that do not vary among shards. In this case, it is just the vector defined in the parameters block as before. Nothing changes.

(3) theta: This is the array of parameters that vary among shards. We defined this in the previous section.

(4) xr and (5) xi: These are the data arrays we defined above.

Then we make a new block, at the very top of our Stan model, to hold the function lp_reduce:

functions {
  vector lp_reduce( vector beta , vector theta , real[] xr , int[] xi ) {
    int n = size(xr);
    int y[n] = xi[1:n];
    int m[n] = xi[(n+1):(2*n)];
    real lp = binomial_logit_lpmf( y | m , beta[1] + to_vector(xr) * beta[2] );
    return [lp]';

You can name this function whatever you want. But it has the have arguments of types vector, vector, real, and int. Those match the arguments in the call to map_rect.

Inside the function, we first unpack the data into separate arrays again. Then the familiar call to binomial_logit, but this time storing the result in lp. Then we convert lp to a vector and return it.

When you run the model, this vector lands back in the model block, map_rect collects all the different returns from each shard, sums them together, and updates the log-probability. Samples are born.

Running the Multithreaded Model

Configure Compiler

Now we're ready to go. Almost. First you need to add some compiler variables. Go to your cmdstan-2.18.0 folder from earlier. Then enter in the shell:

echo "CXXFLAGS += -DSTAN_THREADS" > make/local

What this does is add a special flag for cmdstan when it compiles your Stan models. If you are using g++ (instead of clang), you will also likely need one more flag:

echo "CXXFLAGS += -pthread" >> make/local

On my Linux machine, that was enough to make it work. On my Macintosh, all that was needed was -DSTAN_THREADS. If you want to see the local file you just made, do:

cat make/local

Build and Run

Now build the Stan model:

make redcard/logistic1

And finally we can switch into the redcard folder, set the number of threads we want to use (-1 means all), and go:

cd redcard
time ./logistic1 sample data file=redcard_input.R

The timings that I get for this model are:

real  1m42.789s
user  5m10.812s
sys   0m44.104s

So that's 1m43s versus 2m23s from before. We saved less than a minute by multithreading. Not that big a deal, in absolute time. But as a proportion it is really something. And once you start adding varying effects to this model, or have a larger data table, that's quite a speedup you can expect.


There is a new section in the 2.18 user manual that contains examples of using map_rect. Get it here: https://github.com/stan-dev/cmdstan/releases/tag/v2.18.0 and see page 237. It also contains an example of a hierarchical model.


Beginner tutorial for using cmdstan with multithreading


Language:R 99.9%Language:Stan 0.1%