Update 2019-01-02 - Due to no longer working in a check_mk/slack environment I'm not best placed to maintain this - as of this update this script still works AFAIK, but I won't be able to accept any commits/updates going forward unless I land myself back in a similar environment!
This is a script designed to bounce Check_MK/OMD notifications into a Slack Channel, using Slacks Incoming Webhooks API.
Create an incoming webhook integration in your slack and note down the URL.
Put into /usr/(local/)share/check_mk/notifications (or ~/share/check_mk/notifications on OMD/newer check_mk installs) directory and edit configuration variables in the 'slack' script, and make sure that the script is executable (chmod +x slack)
Restart OMD/Check MK with 'omd restart' or 'cmk -R'
Create a user for slack in WATO, use flexible custom notifications and select 'CMK-Slack Websocket integration' as the notifier.
Select option "Call with the following parameters" and set your channel without "#". If you leave the parameter box in blank the channel takes "#monitoring" value.
- Wait for something to send an alert or generate a test alert.
I haven't tested this with Notification Bulking (In newer cmk releases), I assume it doesn't work. Where it has been used bulk notification setups, bulking for the slack script has been explicitly disabled.
Requires "requests", so apt-get install python-requests
or pip install requests
if you want to test if you have configured the slack script correcty you can try:
export NOTIFY_PARAMETER_1=dennis-test
export NOTIFY_WHAT=""
To use it with the opensource alternative mattermost run those settings:
your api key url
slack_path = "/hooks/kderbmy7yjrr9p9qfwzto374sr"
your mattermost domain
slack_domain = "mattermost.example.com"