rmannibucau / camel-cdi-extension

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Goal of the project

Integrate Camel and CDI.


Camel Context

Simply annotate your route builders with @CamelContextConfig and specify the context name and automatically the context will be created and stopped. The context will be considered as an Application Scoped bean.

Note: builders can be CDI beans.

Then the context can be injected using CamelContextId annotation.

Here a little sample of a builder and camel context injection:

@CamelContextConfig(contextName = "my-context")
public class Builder1 extends RouteBuilder {
    public void configure() throws Exception {

public class ContextManager {
    private CamelContext context;

This context come with next features automatically activated.

Note: can be used manually using CdiCamelContext instead of DefaultCamelContext:

CamelContext context = new CdiCamelContext();

Camel event to CDI events

Camel proposes some events out of the box. In CDI apps it is fine to get them in a CDI way (observers).

It needs to add com.github.rmannibucau.cdi.camel.event.CamelEventProducer ad notifier:

context.getManagementStrategy().addEventNotifier(new CamelEventProducer());

But it is automatically done with the previous extension.

Then simply write CDI observer on Camel events:

public void newExchange(@Observes final ExchangeCreatedEvent event) {
    // something clever

CDI beans as processor

CdiCamelContext provides a CdiRegistry to let you use CDI bean instead of not managed instance.

To use it directly simply provide the com.github.rmannibucau.cdi.camel.registry.CdiRegistry registry to your camel context or use CdiCamelContext.

Exchange Scope

Sometimes it is useful to get a single bean for a whole exchange. It is usually done storing the bean in exchange properties.

Here a proposal is done to create a scope "exchange". Simply annotate your CDI bean @ExchangeScoped and it will be available for the whole exchange life.

Note: currently the implementation uses a ThreadLocal so take care of asynchronous processor, prefer to delegate to another route (new exchange) for asynch processing.

Note: these beans can get some camel specific injections line @EndpointInject

Here a little sample:

public class BeanWithInjection {
    @EndpointInject(uri = "direct:bridge")
    private ProducerTemplate tpl;

    public void enclose(final String body) {

Then simply use this bean in your camel routes.

Camel Injector

CdiCamelInjector uses cdi beans if possible or delegate to default injector to get beans.

Can be used out of cdi camel context but is activated by default with this extension.



Language:Java 100.0%