rm-code / lofivi

LoFiVi uses a force-directed graph to visualize folder structures.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Version LOVE License Build Status

LoFiVi uses a force-directed graph to visualise folder structures. It was written from scratch using Lua and the LÖVE framework.

Like its big sister LoGiVi, LoFiVi was inspired by other visualisation software like Gource or Cytoscape. I always was quite intrigued by the beautiful graphs they created and therefore wanted to learn how to make use of the force-directed layout myself.


Changelog | Source | Bug Tracker | Latest Release


Run LoFiVi and simply drag a folder on the window to visualise it.

Configuration File

When you first run LoFiVi it will create a config.lua file in the save directory of LoFiVi. You can use it to change certain aspects of LoFiVi and how the graph is created.

Custom File Colours

You can specify custom file colours in the config file, by associating a RGBA value with the file extension.

fileColors = {
    ['.md']  = { 255, 0, 0, 255 },
    ['.lua'] = { 0, 255, 0, 255 },

Ignore certain files and folders

Certain files, or folders can be ignored by adding them to the ignore list in the config file. You can use string matching (e.g.: '.git') or pattern matching to ignore them. By default, all files and folders starting with a '.' will be ignored. If you want to show them in the graph, remove the pattern (shown below) from the list.

-- You can use lua patterns or simple string matching to ignore
-- certain files and folders when creating a graph.
ignore = {
    '^.*%/%.',          -- Ignore files and folders that start with a fullstop.

Other Options

options = {
    bgColor = { 0, 0, 0 },
    showLabels = false,
    showFileList = true,

    -- See https://love2d.org/wiki/KeyConstant for a list of possible keycodes.
    keyBindings = {
        camera_n =        'w', -- Move camera up
        camera_w =        'a', -- Move camera left
        camera_s =        's', -- Move camera down
        camera_e =        'd', -- Move camera right
        camera_rotateL =  'q', -- Rotate camera left
        camera_rotateR =  'e', -- Rotate camera right
        camera_zoomIn =   '+', -- Zoom in
        camera_zoomOut =  '-', -- Zoom out
        graph_reset =     'r', -- Reloads the whole graph
        take_screenshot = ' ', -- Take a screenshot
        toggleLabels =    '1', -- Hide / Show labels
        toggleFileList =  '2', -- Hide / Show file list
  • bgColor - Determines the background color of LoFiVi (RGB)
  • showLabels - Determines wether folder labels initially should be hidden or shown
  • showFileList - Determines wether the file extension list should be hidden or shown
  • keyBindings - Allows you to reassign LoFiVi's controls


Note: Controls can be changed in the config file

  • w Key - Move camera north
  • a Key - Move camera west
  • s Key - Move camera south
  • d Key - Move camera east
  • + Key - Zoom in
  • - Key - Zoom out
  • r Key - Redraw the graph
  • Spacebar - Create a screenshot
  • 1 Key - Toggle folder labels
  • 2 Key - Toggle file List


LoFiVi uses a force-directed graph to visualize folder structures.

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%