- Work on this assessment independently. DO NOT discuss with anyone.
- Fork this repository
- Clone your fork
- Run
- Complete the tasks below
- Push your code to your fork
Set up a many to many relationship between students and courses
- Courses should have a name
- Students should have a name
- Students should have a grade for each course they are associated with. This grade should be a decimal number.
Complete the following user stories:
User Story 1, Student Show Page
As a user,
When I visit a student show page
Then I see
- the student's name
- the name of each course the student is enrolled in
- the student's grade for each course
User Story 2, Course Show Page
As a user,
When I visit a course show page,
Then I see:
- the course's name
- each student in the course listed in order from highest grade to lowest grade