rlaneve / DashDoc

Dash integration for Sublime Text

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DashDoc provides integration of Dash into Sublime Text.


You can look up the word under the cursor or selected text in Dash using ctrl+h.


Use Sublime Package Control.


As usual, you will find the associated settings under the Preferences / Package Settings / DashDoc menu. Personal settings should be made in Settings - User.

Syntax sensitivity

By default, DashDoc is sensitive to the syntax used in the current view. Dash will then consult the docset that matches the current syntax. Example: a lookup for map in a Haskell buffer will instruct Dash to search in its haskell docset, a search for the same word in a Python buffer will consult the python docset instead.

Syntax-insensitive search may be invoked using the ctrl+alt+h hotkey. You have an option to switch the default method of searching with config option syntax_sensitive_as_default, which defaults to true. If you set it to false, then ctrl+h becomes syntax-insensitive, and ctrl+alt+h becomes the sensitive option.

Choosing a Dash docset for a given syntax

For any Sublime Text syntax, DashDoc can search a number of docsets of your choosing. Use map entries of the form { <syntax> : [ <docset>, <docset>, ... ] }. For <docset>, use the lowercase docset prefixes that Dash indicates in its Preferences / Docsets pane. Dash searches the list of docsets in the given order.

For particular projects, you can override individual syntax-to-docsets mappings in the settings of the project's .sublime-project file, for example:

"settings": {
  "syntax_docset_map": {
    "Objective-C": ["iphoneos", "cocos2d"]

Mappings that are not overridden this way default to what is found in the DashDoc.sublime-settings file. The default mapping, derived from Dash's suggestion, is:

  "ActionScript"          : ["actionscript"],
  "Boo"                   : ["unity3d"],
  "C"                     : ["c", "glib", "gl2", "gl3", "gl4", "manpages"],
  "C99"                   : ["c", "glib", "gl2", "gl3", "gl4", "manpages"],
  "C++"                   : ["cpp", "net", "boost", "qt", "cvcpp", "cocos2dx", "c", "manpages"],
  "C++11"                 : ["cpp", "net", "boost", "qt", "cvcpp", "cocos2dx", "c", "manpages"],
  "Clojure"               : ["clojure"],
  "CoffeeScript"          : ["coffee"],
  "ColdFusion"            : ["cf"],
  "CSS"                   : ["css", "bootstrap", "foundation", "less", "cordova", "phonegap"],
  "Elixir"                : ["elixir"],
  "Erlang"                : ["erlang"],
  "Go"                    : ["go"],
  "GoSublime"             : ["go"],
  "GoSublime-Go"          : ["go"],
  "Groovy"                : ["groovy"],
  "Haskell"               : ["haskell"],
  "Haskell-SublimeHaskell": ["haskell"],
  "Literate Haskell"      : ["haskell"],
  "HTML"                  : ["html", "svg", "css", "bootstrap", "foundation", "javascript", "jquery", "jqueryui", "jquerym", "angularjs", "backbone", "marionette", "meteor", "moo", "prototype", "ember", "lodash", "underscore", "sencha", "extjs", "knockout", "zepto", "cordova", "phonegap", "yui"],
  "Jade"                  : ["jade"],
  "Java"                  : ["java", "javafx", "grails", "groovy", "playjava", "spring", "cvj", "processing"],
  "JavaScript"            : ["javascript", "jquery", "jqueryui", "jquerym", "backbone", "marionette", "meteor", "sproutcore", "moo", "prototype", "bootstrap", "foundation", "lodash", "underscore", "ember", "sencha", "extjs", "knockout", "zepto", "yui", "d3", "svg", "dojo", "coffee", "nodejs", "express", "chai", "html", "css", "cordova", "phonegap", "unity3d"],
  "Less"                  : ["less"],
  "Lisp"                  : ["lisp"],
  "Lua"                   : ["lua", "corona"],
  "Markdown"              : ["markdown"],
  "MultiMarkdown"         : ["markdown"],
  "Objective-C"           : ["iphoneos", "macosx", "appledoc", "cocos2d", "cocos3d", "kobold2d", "sparrow", "c", "manpages"],
  "Objective-C++"         : ["cpp", "iphoneos", "macosx", "appledoc", "cocos2d", "cocos2dx", "cocos3d", "kobold2d", "sparrow", "c", "manpages"],
  "Objective-J"           : ["cappucino"],
  "OCaml"                 : ["ocaml"],
  "Perl"                  : ["perl", "manpages"],
  "PHP"                   : ["php", "wordpress", "drupal", "zend", "laravel", "yii", "joomla", "ee", "codeigniter", "cakephp", "symfony", "typo3", "twig", "smarty", "html", "mysql", "sqlite", "mongodb", "psql", "redis"],
  "Processing"            : ["processing"],
  "Puppet"                : ["puppet"],
  "Python"                : ["python", "django", "twisted", "sphinx", "flask", "cvp"],
  "R"                     : ["r"],
  "Ruby"                  : ["ruby", "rubygems", "rails"],
  "Ruby on Rails"         : ["ruby", "rubygems", "rails"],
  "(HTML) Rails"          : ["ruby", "rubygems", "rails", "html", "svg", "css", "bootstrap", "foundation", "javascript", "jquery", "jqueryui", "jquerym", "angularjs", "backbone", "marionette", "meteor", "moo", "prototype", "ember", "lodash", "underscore", "sencha", "extjs", "knockout", "zepto", "cordova", "phonegap", "yui"],
  "(JavaScript) Rails"    : ["ruby", "rubygems", "rails", "javascript", "jquery", "jqueryui", "jquerym", "backbone", "marionette", "meteor", "sproutcore", "moo", "prototype", "bootstrap", "foundation", "lodash", "underscore", "ember", "sencha", "extjs", "knockout", "zepto", "yui", "d3", "svg", "dojo", "coffee", "nodejs", "express", "chai", "html", "css", "cordova", "phonegap", "unity3d"],
  "(SQL) Rails"           : ["ruby", "rubygems", "rails"],
  "Ruby Haml"             : ["haml"],
  "Sass"                  : ["sass", "compass", "bourbon", "neat", "css"],
  "Scala"                 : ["scala", "akka", "playscala"],
  "Shell-Unix-Generic"    : ["bash", "manpages"],
  "SQL"                   : ["mysql", "sqlite", "psql"],
  "TCL"                   : ["tcl"],
  "YAML"                  : ["yaml"]      

More information on Dash docsets.



Dash integration for Sublime Text