rksquared / city-finder

Greenfield Project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

City Finder

A simple single-page application to help select a city to live in within the United States


  • Product Owner: Tom Wagner
  • Scrum Master: David Baek
  • Development Team Members: Wei Gao, Ryan Schabel

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Run the Application Locally
  4. Contributing


The application starts with the 39 largest cities in the United States rendered to the page. From there, the user is able to filter the results using a number of different parameters such as metro size, region, population, cost of livng, surrounding enviornment and climate. The list of cities matching the criteria selected by the user updates on every button click and the cities are re-rendered to the page. The user can then hover on each city to display more specific information such as exact population and average temperature.

Tech stack

Core technologies:

React, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, MLAB and Webpack

Other technologies:

Bulma, Axios, and Yahoo Query Language (to access weather data from Yahoo! API)


See general and development-specific dependencies within package.json for more information. Please note the application uses deprecated versions in certain instances in order to ensure the dependencies worked together.


Installing Dependencies

Run npm install within the root directory in order to install dependencies:

npm install

Run the application locally

Run the following command within the root directory in order to start a local server:

npm run server-dev

Run the following command within the root directory in order to have webpack continually bundle your code

npm run react-dev


See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.


Greenfield Project


Language:JavaScript 100.0%