rkonow / mem_monitor

A simple C++11 memory monitor

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Memory Monitor

mem_monitor is self contained header file containing a C++11 memory monitor. This is a modified version obtained from https://github.com/mpetri/mem_monitor, that uses a multi-platform procedure for obtaining the current memory usage.

This version, however, has a limited amount of information that can be fetched:

Metric Description
     pid | The process ID
     VmPeak | Peak virtual memory size
     VmRSS | Resident set size


Here an example of how the class can be used:

#include "mem_monitor.hpp"

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	mem_monitor mm("mem-mon-out.csv"); // poll every 50 milliseconds

	mm.event("vector init"); // optional event
	std::vector<uint64_t> vec(50000);
	/* do more stuff */
	mm.event("sort vector"); // optional event

the information are periodically written to the output file and flushed once the object is destroyed.

Additionally, the granularity with which the monitoring thread polls

mem_monitor mm("mem-mon-out.csv",std::chrono::milliseconds(5));

to use the memory monitor, your program has to be linked to the pthread and rt library and the c++11 flags:

g++ -std=c++11 -o a.out example.cpp -l pthread -l rt

Note: The object does not need to be created at the beginning of main(). The monitor can also be used to track only certain aspects of the executing program.


The output produced by the class consist of a CSV file:

time_ms pid VmPeakVmRSS event
1 12382 15995289664116 "vector init"
51 12382 159952896682142 "vector init"
101 12382 15995289848445 "vector init"
151 12382 16044032744676 "sort vector"
201 12382 19127910976845 "sort vector"
251 12382 20180992027217 "sort vector"
301 12382 22019276446411 "sort vector"

where time_ms corresponds to the number of milliseconds since the creation of the object.


The output can be visualized, for example, with the following R script:


data <- read.csv(file="res-mon.csv",sep=";",header=TRUE);
tdata <- melt(data,id=c("time_ms","event"))
tdata <- subset(tdata,variable!="pid")
dup <-tdata[!duplicated(tdata$event),]

plot <- ggplot(tdata,aes(time_ms,value,color=variable))
plot <- plot + geom_line(size=1)
#plot <- plot + scale_y_log10(expand=c(0,0),labels=f2si,breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),"Memory Usage [Byte]")
plot <- plot + scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0),labels=f2si,"Memory Usage [Byte]")
#plot <- plot + annotation_logticks(sides = "lr")
plot <- plot + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0),labels=f2si,"Time [Millseconds]")
plot <- plot + scale_linetype(name="Events") + scale_color_discrete(name="Metric")
plot <- plot + geom_vline(data=dup,aes(xintercept = time_ms,linetype=event),show_guide=TRUE)
plot <- plot + theme_grey() + ggtitle("Memory Usage over Time")




A simple C++11 memory monitor


Language:C++ 100.0%