rkgudboy / node-twitter-client

Client to extract tweets written in NodeJS

Repository from Github https://github.comrkgudboy/node-twitter-clientRepository from Github https://github.comrkgudboy/node-twitter-client


A NodeJS based client to extract tweets from twitter API using twit package and express web application framework.

  • The client can be used to search for a particular term with added filter of tweets with a particular number of retweets.
    1. Search term can be specified in the key twitter_api_search_term of config.json. Example: "#custserv"
    2. Value to filter tweets based on number of retweets can be specified in the key min_retweet_count_value of config.json.


Make sure these software dependencies are setup on your system:

Name Version
NodeJS v4.4.2 or greater
npm v3.8.6 or greater


Make sure Github local credentials are setup in your system. You can refer to Setup Git tutorial for help.

1. Cloning the repo

git clone git@github.com:rkgudboy/node-twitter-client.git

2. Navigating to project directory

Enter into the directory of cloned project

cd node-twitter-client

3. Installing packages and dependencies

These are the dependencies for running this project, which have been defined in package.json:

package Description Version
express NodeJS Web Application Framework v4.14.0
twit Twitter API Client for NodeJS v2.0.0-beta7
pug Template Engine for NodeJS v2.2.5

After navigating to node-twitter-client directory, above mentioned node dependencies, can be installed by running the command:

npm install

4. Creating config file

Create config.json file from config_template.json file. This file specifies the parameters such as Twitter API keys and port on which our app will run. Token and Secret of twitter App for communication with twitter API needs to be entered here in keys twitter_api_consumer_key, twitter_api_consumer_secret, twitter_api_access_token, twitter_api_access_token_secret. These can be generated at https://apps.twitter.com/

For evaluation purpose default values have been provided within config_template.json in the node-twitter-client directory.
cp config_template.json config.json

5. Project Build process

Run npm scripts to start the build process. Depending on your type of environment, choose any one:

In case of permission related errors, please try running with elevated privileges.
  1. Development environment

    Starts build process using a watcher. Build process will start again, as soon as any browser related file is changed. Useful while doing development.

      npm run build:watch
  2. Production environment

    Runs build process once to prepare files for displaying in browser. Use this when running the app on production and for browsing purpose.

      npm run build

6. Starting the Server

Start the server after build has completed. Depending on type of environment you are executing the step, choose any one:

  1. Development environment

    Starts server using a watcher, so that server is restarted by watcher as soon as any JS file is changed without having to manually enter the command. Useful during development stage.

      node run server:watch
  2. Production environment

    Starts the server in production mode for viewing over port defined in config.json.

      NODE_ENV=production npm run server

How to Use

Result can be seen by opening following link in your web browser : http://localhost:{port}

example - http://localhost:7777


1. Desktop View

alt text

2. Mobile View

alt text


Client to extract tweets written in NodeJS

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 42.2%Language:HTML 36.9%Language:CSS 20.9%